The Inauguration of Donald J Trump as the 47th President of the United States marked the beginning of a new era for the country – and for the world.
If he gets his agenda right, America will return to being a global leader.
There’s no doubt Donald Trump learnt from his experience as the 45th President. During that time he issued just over 200 Executive Orders – the mechanism used by Presidents to manage the Executive Branch of Government that bypasses Congress.
*All Presidential Orders can all be viewed on the White House website HERE.
This time around he has hit the ground running, signing more than 200 Executive Orders during his first three days in Office. A hundred were signed straight after being sworn in – many in front of his supporters. Hundreds more are expected to follow.
Before we examine a selection of Orders of relevance to New Zealand, let’s look at some of the highlights from the communications masterclass that was President Trump’s inauguration address:
The Golden Age of America begins right now.
I will, very simply, put America first. Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced.
Our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous and free.
But first, we must be honest about the challenges we face. The pillars of our society lay broken. We have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves, in many cases, to hate our country.
My recent election is a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy, and indeed, their freedom. From this moment on, America’s decline is over.
Today, I will sign a series of historic executive orders. With these actions, we will begin the complete restoration of America and the revolution of common sense.
The inflation crisis was caused by massive overspending and escalating energy prices, and that is why today I will declare a national energy emergency. We will drill, baby, drill.
America will be a manufacturing nation once again. We have the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth. And we are going to use it. We will bring prices down, fill our strategic reserves up again, and export American energy all over the world. We will be a rich nation again.
We will end the Green New Deal and revoke the electric vehicle mandate.
After years of illegal and unconstitutional federal efforts to restrict free expression, I will sign an executive order to immediately stop all government censorship and bring back free speech to America.
This week, I will end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life.
As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female.
This week, I will reinstate any service members who were unjustly expelled from our military for objecting to the Covid vaccine mandate with full back pay.
We are one people, one family and one glorious nation under God.
America will be respected again and admired again. We will be prosperous, we will be proud. We will be strong. We will not be conquered, we will not be intimidated, we will not be broken, and we will not fail.
President Trump acknowledged the Inauguration was held on Martin Luther King Day: “In his honour, we will strive together to make his dream a reality” and he pledged: “We will forge a society that is colour blind and merit based.”
That is essentially what our Coalition promised when they were elected. But while they have made good progress, they still have a long way to go to achieve that crucial goal.
The reality is that when New Zealanders voted for a change in Government, they gave the Coalition the mandate to deliver us from the dangerous agenda put in place by the Ardern administration.
The country’s rejection of Labour was not just because of their appalling mismanagement of the economy and public services, it was also in response to their attempt to overturn our social order by forcing their unmandated identity politics and He Puapua agendas onto our country.
Virtually without warning, they changed New Zealand from a nation that rewarded hard work, that encouraged free speech and open debate, and that treated everyone equally, to one obsessed with race and gender and sexuality, that totally divided society, restricted free speech, and unleashed greed-driven tribal interests to undermine our democracy and take control of our country.
Restoring New Zealand to being colour blind and merit based would go a long towards healing our society and rebuilding our optimism for the future.
So, what are some of President Trump’s Executive Orders that have particular relevance for New Zealand?
While matters related to trade and security have been well-canvassed, let’s examine some that have received little media coverage.
A key one of relevance to New Zealand is the President’s Order to rescind Diversity, Equity, Inclusion programs from all federal agencies, and private sector groups that contract with the government. From now on it will be illegal to hire employees in the US to fill diversity quotas based on race, gender, sexuality, disability, or religion.
As a result, all State employees in DEI roles have been placed on leave, all institutions have been instructed to “take down all outward facing media (websites, social media, etc.) of DEI offices”, all upcoming DEI training has been cancelled, all contracts with DEI organisations have been revoked, and federal agencies are required to come up with “up to nine potential civil compliance investigations” of publicly traded companies, large nonprofits and other private institutions with DEI programs that now constitute “illegal discrimination or preferences”.
In other words, the President not only wants to terminate DEI in the federal government, but the private sector as well. His policy will force educational institutions to end discriminatory admissions policies and re-prioritise merit in hiring. He wants every man and woman in the US to be given back the opportunity to go as far as their hard work, individual initiative, and competence can take them.
Our Coalition should follow suit. It’s now clear that many of the 19,000 additional State workers employed by Labour during their 6 years in office were DEI hires, Maori in particular. The result is a radical influence has been embedded throughout the government service – and increasingly within the private sector as well. This grossly discriminatory policy should be axed.
Another Executive Order with profound implications for New Zealand, is President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement: “It is the policy of my Administration to put the interests of the United States and the American people first in the development and negotiation of any international agreements with the potential to damage or stifle the American economy.”
The objective of the UN’s Paris Agreement is de-industrialisation. That’s why China, Russia and India have delayed compliance until 2060 or 2070. With the USA now withdrawing and others expected to follow, the only countries now pursuing UN targets are woke nations that care more about upholding the UN’s socialist agenda than defending the wellbeing of their people and their economies.
Unfortunately for New Zealand, successive governments have submitted to the radical climate demands of the UN. The new Coalition is no different. On the one hand they claim to be prioritising growth, while on the other, they are forcing the UN’s de-industrialisation strategy onto the country.
So, in spite of all the world’s major emitters thumbing their noses at UN objectives, New Zealand continues to submit to their socialist directives even though they are damaging our economy.
In effect, Jacinda Ardern’s Zero Carbon law imposed ‘global governance’ onto the country by replacing economic policies designed to lift the living standards of New Zealanders, with policies satisfying the UN’s radical demands.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told New Zealanders in his State of the Nation address, that economic growth is his number one priority for 2025: “I am obsessed with doing everything it takes to unleash the growth, innovation, and investment we need to thrive because Kiwis deserve nothing less”. We applaud his ambition for our country, but if he is serious about his words, he needs to abandon the climate change folly and follow the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement. It is nonsensical to remain in.
Removing climate levies off petrol, diesel and electricity, would, of course, lower prices across the board and kick start the economy.
But if the PM is too woke to do that, he should at least correct the erroneous assumptions that Labour adopted in its climate change modelling – that even the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has rejected – which have artificially elevated New Zealand’s emissions problems. If corrected, the modelling would show we are already meeting our UN climate commitments!
De-industrialising our economy would be completely unnecessary!
President Trump also issued an Executive Order putting an end to the creation of massive wind farms, including those offshore, that degrade the natural landscapes and, through their intermittency, fail to serve consumers well.
And he declared a national energy emergency: “An affordable and reliable domestic supply of energy is a fundamental requirement for the national and economic security of any nation… High energy prices devastate Americans, particularly those living on low- and fixed-incomes.”
It’s the same situation here, which is why successive governments spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year subsiding winter energy costs for beneficiaries and pensioners.
By declaring a national energy emergency, President Trump will prioritise the opening up of public lands for energy projects, along with the building of critical energy infrastructure.
While the opening up of public land for mining is also being considered in New Zealand, this seems to be at odds with major changes being planned by the Conservation Minister and his Department.
With submissions on two Department of Conservation discussion documents – see HERE – due to close on 28 February, this week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator Fiona Mackenzie, a communications and marketing specialist, explains the problem:
“DOC’s discussion document, Modernising Conservation Land Management, outlines a framework heavily weighted toward racial prioritising of iwi and hapu interests. The document suggests that those identifying as Maori possess unique entitlements to conservation land, citing ancestral ties and kaitiakitanga (undefined) as justification. However, this approach raises critical questions about fairness and equality in public land management.
“DOC’s stated commitment to engage with iwi as ‘Treaty partners’ highlights the co-governance philosophy that has been so rapidly undermining our democracy and economic productivity under recent governments.
“The current coalition Government is failing to rein in race-based practices in our public services. Existing and proposed privileges in the allocation of conservation resources and decision-making processes include prioritising iwi consultation, easing concession requirements for Maori businesses, enabling land disposals or exchanges to benefit iwi, and devolving certain other powers to iwi.”
It is imperative that the Coalition honours its election promise to stop He Puapua and co-governance, and halts all plans to give tribal groups special power over our Conservation Estate. Favouring Maori is discriminatory and against the law.
*If you would like to send in a submission on the Conservation discussion document – the details are HERE. A submission prepared by Fiona Mackenzie can be seen HERE. And if you would like to contact MPs or local Councillors their email addresses are HERE.
President Trump has instigated a multitude of other important changes including withdrawing from the World Health Organization, imposing a hiring freeze on government workers – and making it easier to remove those who are disloyal, as well as pressing ahead with plans to reduce American company tax down to 15 percent to turbo-charge the economy.
Without a doubt, the scene has been set for a major transformation of the US, including mechanisms to replace woke racism and identity politics with equality, unity and prosperity.
Let’s hope our Coalition follows suit.
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*Should the Coalition follow the lead of the US and to rescind all Diversity, Equity, Inclusion programs from all State agencies – and private sector groups that contract with the government?
*Poll comments are posted below.
*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.
Defiantly, there is no space for any 1st World Country for this rubbish, but unfortunately our Coalition will be to ‘woke’ to do it | Tony |
Yes we’re on the road to a very depressing future if NZ doesn’t pull out of the Paris accords AND removal of all references to TOW in all legislation. Any special input should be scrapped too. | Cath |
I expect President Trump to make the changes detailed in his Directives issued so far and I fervently hope PM Luxton will follow suit as he promised before the last election. | Terry |
Any country that can gain the services of billionaires for years of political service is a lucky country. Most would simply buy another yacht and tour the greek islands! NZ must face the reality that politicians and politics cannot control mother nature and change the climate. The debate must change to pollution which humans are responsible for and that means managing the huge population explosion underway. The concrete poured by China and India this century has exceeded all the concrete poured in the last 6,000 years. Some scientists believe that this could change the position of the magnetic pole bringing forth serious considerations for all of us. | Frederick |
Absolutely | Gillian |
Most definitely. | Mike |
ASAP | Tim |
Immediately | Richard |
All people should be employed on merit. DEI undermined appointments on competence and ability | Kaye |
A Million times yes, in name of our physical and mental safety the coalition Must rescind all DEI. The fact that it was done in the first place and that it has not yet been done tells one a lot about our education system over the last 50 years. when will the madness end?? perhaps we need our own Trump | Sam |
Absolutely | William |
To even suggest following tramp and his cohorts is beyond my comprehension | Naine |
It’s a big yes from me. Your column says it all. But unfortunately we will never be as decisive as we could or should be. Meritocracy is frowned upon by too many people in this country and is very scarce in our parliament. I don’t think that New Zealand will ever have a proper democratic Government that is courageous enough to work on correcting all the nonsense that pervades our broken nation. Our best and brightest will continue to seek fulfilment and prosperity off shore where there is an abundance of common sense and the likes of the woke DEI sufferance is a ghost of the past. | Garry. |
This is the major problem. Our governments should be doing what’s in the best interest of its country and its people at all times. The fact that it follows the lead of foreign entities and not its people (taxpayers), tells us where the real power lies. | neil |
100% agree | DAVID |
Should have been done before, but now will certainly do. | Peter |
Commonsense applies | Richard |
Yes | Kylie |
Of course. It makes sense to follow Trumps lead on this particular issue. | Catherine |
It is a non brainer to undo the damage created by previous, (and the current National) woke Government’s. | Gary |
100% YES! Ditch DEI or your nation will DIE. Also, get out of WHO and the Paris Climate Treaty – the UN if you can. | Don |
Yes it is critical that all & any reference is removed. | Derek |
ASAP…. | Rhys |
That willc resultin greater activvision in NZ | Barrry |
Absolutely. They need to have the courage to commit to what they campaigned on for fair governance for ALL New Zealanders. If they will not they will be a one term government. At this point they are undermining democracy. | Dianne |
Yes, Yes, YES | Andy |
D.E.l. must be removed. Our govt agencies can not operate with these under qualified persons for the best interests of N.Z. The highest suitably qualified person must be employed. Lets follow Trump and the USA. | Kevan |
The only requirement for holding a salaried job paid by the taxpayer is the ability to do the job efficiently, that qualification is called Merit, no other hiring or working criteria applies. We need to restore the duty of Civil Servant and acknowledge that all taxpayer funded positions including health and education require “service” to the taxpay/community not exclusive political pandering. | Richard |
It should be on merit only. | Kate |
Yes definitely. | Jackie |
Anything less is discrimnation,problem is our children have been indocrinated to have white guilt,which is why radicals have openly said they can’t wait till us older kiwi’s die. I fear for the future of our children one only needs to look at the UK and Europe,society is collapsing and everyone who is not an elite will pay the price no matter your race,beliefs or who you support | Wayne |
DEI seems to be within our main stream TVNZ news media . This stood out during the protest against The Treaty Principles . Bill..This is why we need this Bill to go through. | Owen |
NZ should develop its own independence and sovereignity nationhood. | David |
They should also leave the WHO and WEF and UN | Gail |
Stupid, stupid stuff by idiots must be reigned in by common sense. | Rob |
A dei appt at my local hospital: I could die and the nurse would not notice ! | Ann |
Sadly they will not have the guts to do so. We need a leader like Trump who knows how to lead, not like our P/M who is weak | David |
Immediately | Martin |
We must strive to behave in a manner at all times that leaves all individuals with their dignity. | Rex |
This should have been a priority for the National-led coalition. In any situation, the position should go to the person most capable. | Gavin |
Being in fear of all of the diverse, but deceptive expectations – has and still casts a negative spirit over our daily lives. It is truth that set s free | maurice |
Right on the mark Trump! | David |
All public jobs should be based on merit not any woke preferences. | Clive |
99,9 of people born are either male or female. The other 00,01% are physically neither but can receive help, The vast numbers of Homos and Lesbians are attracted to the alternate lifestyle because of school and other outside influencers who twist their brains into believing they are or could be different,It ruins life for a lot of these vulnerable people, | Steve |
No, not across the board. Trump is at least an unpleasant person who will delay for years the steps that the USA should be taking now. | Peter |
Cannot be done soon enough. This has pushed NZ to the brink of absurdity. | mary |
Its overdue and makes sense to follow their lead. | J J |
Yes and also get NZ out of the Paris climate hoax, the WHO and the UN before they destroy us. Luxon is a spineless , woke fool who doesn’t care what the people think. It will be his downfall. | Carole |
Within reason. Merit and ability , not race ,should be the determining factor. | Peter |
Dei is a failed experiment. Hepuapua as a blue print for co governance would seem to be at odds with the origional treaty that declared all people in nz of equality befor the law. Carbon zero would consign nz to absolute 3rd world status. Trump sets some positive precedents. | Willy |
DEI should be band for perpetuality | Anthony |
Sounds nice and democratically bringing equity .. but has ended up by allowing favouritism, lower standards, unfair advantages re standards need for Unversities, technical colleges abd businesses. Not needed.. Quqta for any societal group is unfair. | Rochelle |
Well and truly Overdue. | Geoff |
Trump has some very good ideas for the country which if luxon had the balls he should do the same , but that will never happen with him or a lot of other woke polys. Getting ride of this hori idea of a partnership with the crown is utter BS but DOC and a few other bent govt departments still think by talking the hori gibberish will help keep their jobs. the country called NEW ZEALAND is knackered withe the likes of key, adhern luxon, labour and greens and the bastards that started this crap who claim they are indigenous which is a complete LIE but encouraged by the woke govt run by the most hated woman NEW ZEALAND produced and it shows her conceit by writting a book and having a film made,.Gobbels would have been proud of her and given her the Iron Cross with Diamonds. | Richard |
What a shocker that it as ever introduced | Peter |
100% it should! | Viv |
this is necessary to clean up the huge imballance caused by Labour and the Greens | Stanley |
We dont want anything other than governments to put the people first on an equal opportunity based on merit and to me it is amazing that the National coilition has not focussed on this as a major and acceptable political differens that would separate them from the left coiltion | Mike |
woud be a step in right direction | Colin |
100% YES! New Zealanders have an absolute right to believe, that when it comes to state employees, their hard-earned tax dollars are being used to employ the best person for the job – the most highly qualified app,icant for the position is taken on. There is NO place for this DEI crap in a cou try that wants to be a success. | Rodger |
Muriel, this article makes me want to stand up & cheer. | Lenice |
I would hate to see those who are different excluded from regular daily life. Janet. Well they won’t be excluded if they got to where they are on their merits. As far as virtually EVERYTHING controversial in the world today, look no further than those that worship the pentagram, that also includes Trump. Like the Fabian Society’s previous logo, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, That is Trump. People make excuses for his previous term. Bull s it! He’s run by the pentagram of greed. I’d love to be wrong and will willingly admit to being wrong in four years if he does what he claims without any hooks. | larry |
Absolutely | David |
It is time for this Govt. to demonstrate Clarity in its ongoing policy and decision making. If we only see woke confusion and no Common Sense we can’t see the Govt. Words and only words don’t ‘Cut It’ Action PLEASE to reinforce promises made. | robin |
Of course quota systems should be abolished. They should NEVER have been brought in. Companies are having to swallow the costs of less productive labour, no, no they don’t, THAT cost gets passed on to the consumer, which hurts those already financially unable to bare the costs of present day living. Add millions, possibly billions of dollars companies are paying the taniwha in resource consent to multi billion $ iwi “charities”, AGAIN hurting those at the bottom of the pile. | larry |
Unified regardless of colour or creed. | Murray |
Also, quit all te reo , even though that language has been declared the official language of NEW ZEALAND and not aote… This government could also follow the example of Argentina. In one year that country has managed to get rid of the dept and stop the inflation. | Peter |
DEI: division, exclusion, irrelevant | Barry |
It is all part of the ” divide & conquer” marxist agenda. A bit like Luxon’s decision NOT to support the “Treaty” bill. Keep us all divided & banging heads!!!! Blackrock will be impressed that he’s following Larry’s ( WEF ) orders !!!! | Dave |
This is long overdue. The coalition has failed dismally to follow the will of the people. | Russ |
luxton is not weak he has his own agenda to give sovereignty to maori | donald |
DEI, is not the only thing they are poisoning! They are poisoning everything on the planet, people,land , water, air, the infrra-structure, hospitals, every single thing, on the planet will be given ‘a code, and mark,,this is the start of the ‘end of ALL things’….. | David |
and exit the Paris Accord | steve |
100% Thats a very big YES. | Ian |
They are so focused on the economy they are not dealing with any of the previous governments racial policies | Natalie |
It’s time that ordinary people stand up to discrimination against us by the constant pushing of minority groups of people who don’t know who or what they are. | Alastair |
Should never have started | Beverley |
This is one of the main ways to stop our spiral into third world status | Dennis |
Absolutely! We are in a totally biased situation but our leaders will not have the guts to follow Trump’s sensible governing. | Doris |
Absolutely, | Vanessa |
DEI is the opposite of meritocracy. | Kent |
Yes, let’s hope Trump’s win inspires Luxon to bold action against DEI and Maorification. Either that, or National needs to replace him, give his aggressive stand against ACT’s Treaty Bill. | Chris |
Most definitely. And remove all race-based priorities and change to a merit based system in the government and private sector of this country. | John |
Definately | Barbara |
It served no other purpose than to cause what it supposedly opposed. Another globalist scam. | Rex |
Yes, I think it had definitely gone too far. They were pandering to a very small minority. | Kim |
Of course, as it’s just creating imbalance and wasting peoples time. | Andrew |
Mr Kill the bill, One term Luxon needs to wake up and start reading the room. | Justin |
Talent should be the sole criteria for filling any role | Tony |
Yes yes yes and quickly | Marion |
I think our government is too woke to do this though 🙁 | Anne |
Been waiting too long | errol |
ASAP! | Bruce |
ASAP!! PLEASE. | Janine |
Luxon needs to front up on this issue and de bunk it now. | Murray |
Absolutely it’s a dangerous and deeply flawed on every level | Anon |
TRIBAL RACISM must stop. and we MUST ALL be equal in NEW ZEALAND | Mike |
Definitely | Jacqueline |
Definitely | Steve |
This coalition government & Luxon in particular need to grow some balls & stop all of this racial & DEI preference immediately by following the US. They also need to pull out of everything that stops New Zealand from prospering i.e. World Health, the UN, Climate change etc | David |
We need to follow the Trump Administrations important EO’s that are mentioned in this NZCPR Report | Jan |
The sooner the better. A prime example is the newest Green Party member, pictured wearing fish net stockings and women’s undies, GROSS. | Benjamin |
Yes, to keep it short Get back to best person choices and reality. | Owen |
Yes we should follow the US. However knowing Luxon I doubt it very much. After giving blue 2 ticks in the last election won’t be happening next election. | Lawrie |
Absolutely !!!!!! | Alan |
Bring in on fast!! | Tim |
This would be one useful step in improving productivity | Frank |
We must end ‘wokeism’ NOW! | Donna |
A must! But PM Luxon is “bowing down” to Maori and will continue to do so. National need a Trump. | james |
We hear so often that companies that have gender/ethnic diversity in executive teams are much more likely to outperform their peers on profitability. But if something is repeated often enough it tends to become accepted as fact. But I never see the evidence. Selection on merit surely makes more sense. | John |
Time for NZ to grow up. | Kevin |
Yes, but the fly in the ointment is Luxon (and his acolyte ministers) who have decided to go for ‘it’s the economy stupid’ without addressing the stupid. | PAM |
This ia all woke rubbish and should go NOW. | Trevor |
Should save millions of dollars | Gavin |
How I wish we had a leader like Trump – he has done in a few days what our government is still paying lip service to after a whole year. Why can’t the government come down hard on people who don’t obey the laws instead of letting them get away with it? e.g. judges who make up their own laws. And businesses and departments that don’t comply. Why doesn’t National replace Luxon? How can Luxon veto Seymour’s Bill before it’s even heard? I will never vote National again. I could fix the economy overnight – stop the “Treaty” gravy train. | Sheila |
The best person for the job inspite of gender race.or age | Jan |
Four legs good – two legs bad. | Brett |
The sooner the better. Wake up Luxon, read the room and grow a pair… | david |
Forget all this them and us bullshit. We are all born equally the same way in Nz. Not aoteroa | John |
absolutey there is no place for them,the consevation la nds are for everyone in NZ AND DON’T NEED ANOTHER INPUT FROM A MINORITY | Steve |
The age of DEI has passed and a return to merit based assessment can’t come quickly enough. | Lee |
Totally and utterly agree that we should follow the USA | Ian |
To much time wasted already!!! | Nat |
The Coalition should consider what will happen at the next election if they do not. NZ was once a fine country with opportunities for all, based on hard work, not on race or gender. | Paloma |
DEI and Climate-change nonsense are the most destructive policies in our Western democracies. President Trump’s amazing win gives everybody hope. | AndyE |
Also exit Paris. | Leonard |
DEI=Didn’t earn it! Let’s get back to meritocracy where people put effort into achievement and the best person gets the job. | Brian |
Good idea as long as those who cannot afford it have a government backed system to fall back on. | Michael |
Definately! Merit based. | Marypat |
Yes definitely, fee need to stop this black and white entitlement . We are not the New Zealand of all for one just all for Maori – and only one type of Maori people cause Samoan Maori don’t have enough iwi that has been told to me first hand . Stop dividing this nation for a small sec we should embrace one nation for all celebrating hard work and stupid electric cars bs . I work overseas now as I no longer am a valued public servant in this country. And I have seen most hardworking New Zealanders do the same as one unaffordable to prop up people who stay on benefits and not contribute to society in a meaningful way. Just gangs homeless and drugs .. way to go political party that have ruined NZ . Just breding a nation of white folk speaking Maori . Can’t even understand the local news now lol. So shame on the actual Maori people that don’t speak their language a decide just as Trump stated in his speech . He will make great changes and we as NZ need to follow suit ! Bring on change . | Vanessa |
And while they are at it get out of Paris agreement and WHO | Greg |
TOTALLY! | Peter |
YES,YES,YES!!! | Murray |
It is time our Government did this. | William Clive |
Absolutely! | John & Wilma |
ASAP – | Colin |
Do it by lunch time today. And get rid of all the other race based crap like we elected them to do? National seem to be the soft under belly of this government. | Peter |
Getting rid of such stupid policies as DEI is about the only was we will retain our status as a developed country, otherwise we will become a moribund Pacific backwater, squabbling among ourselves. | Murray |
Immediately | tHOMAS |
But should go much further with more of what the US is doing | Duncan |
I am convinced that National under the leadership of Luxon have not got the courage to make serious decisions that will unite New Zealanders and to throw Seymour under the bus just shows a contempt to his treaties principles bill furthermore if Luxon wants to attract overseas investment he needs to have a stable economy and racial harmony. Why would any Invester take a risk when we have a radical opposition and a week Government. Do a TRUMP and get rid of woke and get right of centre have no faith in National and its leader and will not vote for that party again. ACT and David Seymour have shown what leadership is all about. | KEN |
The coalition should implement the proposals of the National Party outlined before the election, on which I and many others based our voting. | Robert |
For NZ to become reunited as “one” this is essential …. Luxon’s inability to follow through on his coalition’s promise shows that he is weak. | Louanne |
NZ should become the 52nd USA state after Canada 🙂 | Max |
Isn’t the contrast between Trump and Luxon stark. How long can he last before everyone recognises it and the Nats go off into the sunset? | Ken |
but the National Party has reneged on their promises. We voted for drastic change but we get a watered down Labour agenda. | mike |
New Zealand is a corporation, a Crown corporation. All Crown corporations are owned and controlled by the ‘City of London’. Our government will follow the corporate agenda as directed and dictated by its owner, ‘The Crown’. | neil |
Unfortunately corruption runs deep in the public service, and judiciary installed by the corrupt labor government. Equally unfortunate is that two of the coalition leaders don’t seem really interested forcing through the required changes. | Hugh |
Yes, it is the right time for that to happen. | Murray |
The only way forward is to appoint the best person for the job, regardless of who or what they are. | Peter |
And especially in the Universities where it seems to have become embedded. | ken |
This kind of social engineering is not designed to better the lot of the common man. It is intended to generate a client base of voters who are guaranteed to keep voting for the party that gave them unearned and undeserved priority over the majority of the population. It is a socialist (ie Marxist Lite) philosophy, so beloved of the Labour and Green parties. Luxon will ignore this at his peril! | TOBY |
the only factor that should be considered is merit – for any position. | Stan |
ASAP | David |
Let common sense prevail, not idealogical dreams. | Peter |
Definitely. Far too many are appointed only to hold up growth , slow down productivity. Extra unneeded pen pushes in most cases. | Heather |
One country, one policy | Raymond |
once we led the world in looking after our people, better late than never | noel |
They are a clear waste of taxpayers money. | Denis |
Absolutely ! | diana |
And I’d certainly vote for President Muriel Newman, if only it were possible! | John |
Absolutely, DEI is a cancer. We ought not to be folloeing the US in recinding, we shold have been leading it as the coalition effectively had a mandate to do this. However, the racist preference forces are still winning as Luxon and National are failing NZ in this respect. | Doug |
Absolutely, DEI is a cancer. We ought not to be folloeing the US in recinding, we shold have been leading it as the coalition effectively had a mandate to do this. However, the racist preference forces are still winning as Luxon and National are failing NZ in this respect. | Doug |
Absolutely they should get rid of D.E.I. it should be done on merit and the best person for the job, people who know what they are doing and make them accountable. Perhaps then we would prosper again !!! | Brian |
Luxon…..grow a pair. | Ronmac |
2 genders no argument. I am bloke. I know what gender my wife is- because we have 3 sons 2 daughters & 2 gandsons. we even know how to sex our animals- or our chooks may not be laying eggs. | mark |
Not only should we insist on dumping DEI programs but we should also only give our vote at the next election to those parties that fully commit to these changes applying over a much wider range of issues that have crept into national political standards. | Jim |
Not all can afford to. | Ann |
This will never happen while Christopher Luxon is Prime Minister. He may be in government but is certainly not in power. He absolutely lacks the guts to ruffle any feathers.Do not under estimate the seriousness of this issue, his lack of courage or his wokeness means he panders to the left leaning members of society who will never vote for him while at the same time causing his traditional voters to abandon his party in droves | John |
Preferably by tomorrow | Mike |
Yes. | David |
Of course. It’s a no brainer. We are currently an apartheid country. if we put this through we will probably be able to slow the flow in departures of our young people who are currently being told they do not fit our diversity policies. The other big question is why would a middle right Government still be applying left wing laws unless the National Party and members really are a mostly left wing party? Take the lead from Trump who is showing our lot what a pair is. | Terry |
It’s high time common sense returned to decisions making at all levels of government especially with respects to DEI. Selection based on the best person for the job irrespective !!!! | Bill |
restore common sense, end trough feeding and woke undermining of our society | Jim |
Yes – and the sooner the better, but I’m not holding my breath! | Scott |
Woke Ideology has failed miserably through out the western world expect for the grifters | Shane |
Without a doubt, this DEI mandate that has been imposed on the global communities has completely destabilised the fabric of society. | neville |
I am sad to se the way New Zealand is being lead (or rather bullied). | Jackie |
Bring it on. NOW!!!! | Bruce |
Time to stop maoris racists to wreck New Zealand ‘s freedom, way of life for their EGO !!!! | Dominique |
But will they. Luxon is totally woke and the coalition want get any change from him. National has lost. my vote | ROSS |
definitely | claire |
100% YES! | Glyn |
Absolutely. | Hugh |
merit must be the only criteria | Cookie |
Yes, I agree but it won’t happen in this Country because the majority of the population appear to wont as much as they can get out of the State for nothing and don’t care where it comes from. | Albyn |
Racist policies which target “white” people are still racist. DEI is hypocrisy in the extreme. | richard |
Go for it | Len |
A HUGE YES. What an inspiration Donald Trump is. We need to follow his lead. David Seymour is our Donald Trump and we all need to vote in Act and David for our Ptiminister. This is the only option to stop maori takeover and co governance destroying New Zealand. Absolutely disillusioned with the statis and back pedling national and NZ 1st parties. No longer feel welcome in my own country and we are all called visitors unless you have smidgen of maori blood. Trump could be our saviour as well. | Allan |
Most emphatically YES! to quote from your post: Our Coalition should follow suit. It’s now clear that many of the 19,000 additional State workers employed by Labour during their 6 years in office were DEI hires, Maori in particular. The result is a radical influence has been embedded throughout the government service and increasingly within the private sector as well. This grossly discriminatory policy should be axed. Another Executive Order with profound implications for New Zealand, is President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement… we must follow that! | Peter |
DEI and climate change and WEF and WHO etc. Let us manage our own country without interference. | Elizabeth |
Definately should. To NOT do so would be illegal, discriminatory, racist & undemocratic. | mark |
Any discrimination is discrimantion | Mark |
Sick of the media giving time to these sick groups | Colleen |
Yowser! | Andrew |
I had never realised that Trump saw things so clearly. | David |
Hell, yes. NOW. | Rolf |
absolutey! | Mike |
Yes I yes yes if our pm only had the will to do so | David |
100% without question. This is what the country voted for putting them in charge, yet they are doing every single thing the far left extremists wanted. | pavel |
If we live in a democracy everyone should have the same rights. The best qualified person for any job is the one who should get it. | Kevin |
Mr Luxon needs to also concentrate on putting all the race base policies to death as well as his concentration on the economy. Please do it PM, that is why we voted for you. | Heather |
Fairness for everyone is paramount. | David |
Bring back Norm. Waitangi Day should return to being New Zealand Day | Doug |
Let’s get going with common sense | jane |
Of course we should be doing the same as the U.S.The Ardern government put things in place in this country that are totally racist and really could course great future problems for the people of this country. I think the Paris Climate accord is also a wrought but l doubt our woke PC politicians would have the strength to pull us back out. I also fear the WHO for forcing vaccination upon people who also believe it’s a wrought. Unfortunately as l have said before, our politicians seem to be either stupid, corrupt or gutless. Not alot of common sense left in our Parliament. | Paul |
Oh yes please. What a breath of fresh air that would be. Once again we would all be equal. Its called democracy | Chris |
Absolutely | Les |
Definitely | Sue |
As another voter said: The media would do well to tell the public Trumps vision for his country. As he said, most of us would like the same for all New Zealanders. | Dennis |
Absolutely we are on the road to the middle ages with all the policies we have in place under Luxon. | Liz |
They should also follow other things like saying no to climate change hysteria and defining genders as male and female. | Chuck |
Of course they should, but wont have the bottlle!!!!! | Les |
I totally agree with what Trump has done although I am not a Trump supporter. His actions are totally appropriate and I would like our government to do likewise in NZ. It would certainly solve a number of our problems and would make our government agencies far more efficient by hiring on merit and not having to hire on race, gender etc. | Keith |
Trump has definately got this right | Colin |
LUXON HAS not the backbone TO DO ANYTHING.hE promised TO make all nEW ZEALANDERS EQUAL but continues to GIVE TAX PAYERS MONEY to iwi & other maori groups,this treaty talking going on now in parliament is BIASED AGAINST N.ZEALANDERS who want to SUPPORT IT & any maori groups who oppose it gets to talk & talk.NO public supporters like Hobsons Pledge ETC are given mush time & yet they are speaking for thousanders of N.Zealanders.GET RID OF LUXON HE,S A LIAR & national needs a new strong leader who LISTENS to N.ZEANDERS | Cindy |
All talk, no action, time for all for Luxon to start putting words into action | Anthony |
time to hire on ability irrespective of race -gender etc | Les W |
This action should have been one of their priorities in first 90 days in office. I fear they will fail to take any meaningful action this term. | Chris |
A merit based selection is the only way to improve service. | Martin |
Absolutely 100% | Gareth |
For those of us who had to tolerate the ant-gay Victorian legislation of the day, things seem to have got out of hand with this modern trend called ‘Diversity’. Time it was put to bed I think. | John |
ASAP | Chris |
DEI is racism and sexism at it’s worst: government condoned. | Margaret |
People should be hired on the basis of their qualifications and suitability not skin colour or gender | Peter |
Rarely do I disagree with you but this government is hardly making good progress – rather tardy progress. They have inherited not just Ardern but John Key’s poor decisions and even before that. DEI has to go but a slew of other policies and agencies that hold it in place need to be collapsed. | John |
Should never have started. | Ranald |
Definitely! Whilst I personally, don’t have much time for Donald Trump, I applaud him for having the guts to stand up and put a stop to the absolute chaos that has been created in his country. Unfortunately, our Coalition Government has fallen way short in applying the same here in New Zealand. That is what they were elected for, and whilst some members of the Coalition have been trying very hard to push through Bills that will bring EQUALITY to our people in New Zealand, it is being overridden by Christopher Luxon and his National Party. Of which, I was a former member, He has lost my vote after 50 years of supporting National. He is NOT there in Parliament to push HIS agenda, he was put there by the people of this country do do THEIR WILL, and that was to get our country back into the black as regards finances, but also to ensure that he Governed for EVERY New Zealander. I live in hope that we will see some positive changes here and very soon. Though it may not be in my lifetime. | Heather |
abhorrent policy | graham |
Yes obviously . Sadly the American media are not all left leaning woke ,Adern loving scum .American media have balances and checks amongst themselves to show an even outcome ,unlike the Kiwi media hacks who are driven by selfserving ,editors and a lack of common sense so called sic (journalists ) Good on ya Trump ,there is a large Kiwis who sdmire and support you battles against Woke morons . | Ray |
That’s a no-brainer | Tony |
The Tide has to Turn, or we need to consider leaving OUR Country. | Greg |
It has gone too far. These pressure groups have got more power than is warranted. If you don’t agree with them , you are silenced. | lone |
It is just comonsense. | Daryl |
Can you see the traitor Lixon doing this . Where thd hell are Winston and David on this | Harvey |
ABSOLUTELY !! | Doug |
Yes & this is a no brainer !! | Andrew |
And abolish the Maori electoral roll. As long as two rolls exist there will be diviision | Phil |
The sooner the better | Murray |
Yes. It is a no-brainer! | Ronnie |
It would immediately reduce the staff level of the public service – a much needed move by the govt. | Kerry |
ASAP | Geoffrey |
Get rid of DEI NOW!! | Mark |
Most definitely! | Michael |
The case for this is very clear | Bruce |
Yes employment etc should be on merit. Through quota systems we have substandard graduates and are penalising those who missed out but are far more qualified for a position. | Geraldine |
of course .. stop the crazy separatism | Charlotte |
Immediately! | Carol |
Long overdue | Glen |
DEI has been a huge diversion from every business and the country’s drive to “make the boat go faster” to quote an earlier Team New Zealand campaign ethos. | Stuart |
But of course, it is illogical to promote other than 2 genders,there are only females and males,full stop. In the same vane there is only one race, the HUMAN race,full stop. The only prize Maori get is in coming to New Zealand before some others,they are not indigenous. | Peter |
A colour blind meritocracy is what we should all aspire to. No more ‘victims” and ‘diversity inclusions’. Need to lift the education levels to get there though. | |
And stop all co-governance ideas | sandra |
You can only clutch at Kauri Die Back for so long before people find out it’s just another band wagon for cash and power over wants | Ken |
Some how we have to get the coalition government especially New Zealand First to become proactive in promoting an immediate change to what they promised to do in the lead up to the last electon.. announce in this 2025 years that they will forge ahead with the changes promised. | stan |
If the Coalition is following its pre election campaign then this DEI policy in Public Service needs to be rescinded and all Co Governance discussions abandoned as we are a country of one and may multi cultural peoples not be be favoured by your ancestry | john |
Do it now!!! | clive |
I have been praying that Trump would win and that his policies would influence our coalition government to follow suit. I guess I can dream! | Richard |
DEI has no place in a fair and equitable society. | alwyn |
If we dont get a backbone on our Govt we will end up as a country no one isd interested in or help when nasty things come. | Barbara |
All the way a big fat YES, YES, YES | |
It’s woke, need I say more? | Graeme |
Get rid of all the crap installed by Ardern (everything since and including the Key governments) as well as stuff installed by Clark’s governance. Dump all UN/WEF Globalist aims. They have all contributed to the ruin this country. | Bryan |
This DEI crap is but one paver on the path to destruction of our once great society. | Andrew |
Absolutely… the Government would do well to copy a number of Trumps new changes | Robbie |
A no brainer … good cal Mr Trump! | Bryan |
As quickly as possible | David |
It is shameful to see all the divisive programmes being forced into our children from all schools & especially Universities | Peter |
Absolutely. I’m sick to death of all the ‘looking for Maori’ – and I’m married to a Maori. | Christine |
Absolutely, STOP all this Globalist Agenda of ‘Destabilizing” Countries with this idiotic Wokism. Sanity will prevail !! | Geoff |
Equality for all NZ citizens regardless of race, creed, gender or sexual preference. | Marilyn |
Gutless | Allan |
Yes! These are woke programs that reward people for their status rather than their performance. Get rid of it! Our pride should be in our individual and collective achievements as a nation and we should all be striving for a better life! | Martin |
the sooner the better | howard |
Definitely | Geoffrey |
Absolutely it causes woke idiots some with mental health issues to control kiwis lives ILLEGALLY especially in government departments like the POLICE | Greg |
Absolutely, YES. Hire on ability only, across the board. | Mark |
There are only two genders, we need to flush the woke cancer that denies that fact as the US is doing. | Shane |
Long overdue, but I probably have more chance of winning a powerball lotto! | Graham |
The DOC situation needs to be opened up and laid bare for the public to see | Jim |
Yes , we need to do this pronto. When you deal with radicals , one has to be radical in order to succeed. | Michael |
Yes, absolutely before the whole silly idea does any more damage. Merit should be the number one requirement. | Roger |
Absolutely | Charles |
Just stop wasting time & money on stupid causes. | Judith |
YES Indeed! | Norman |
Maybe the tide has turned. DEI being proved as WOKE rubbish … | Gill |
Absolutely essential if the country is to progress. Until Luxon follows Trump and stops all diversity and Maori privelege he will never fix the economy. | Gail |
colour blind is the only way forward | Brian |
New Zealand needs to remove itself from the UN, WHO and The Paris accord if we ever want to prosper again. | Wayne |
Sadly this is unlikely to happen, owing to the lamentable and weak performance of one Christopher Luxon, who like many of his National Party predecessors simply administers the misguided socialist and overtly racist policies of the preceeding labour governent, rather than proactively getting off his backside and doing anything constructive to initiate the changes that people voted for in the last election. The man is a disgrace! | Robert |
ABSOLUTELY. The reasons are well and clearly set out in this NZCPR Newsletter Take action Prime Minister. We want TOTALLY RID OF Maorification , race-based division and ALL / ANY forms of discrimination and race-based preferential treatment for Maori . We want a full return to the ‘equality of citizenship’ mandated in the Treaty of Waitangi and the full restoration and reinstatement of our democratic system/ democracy . We DO NOT want tribalism or Maori-elite / Tribal co-governance of any sort in our governance structure at either national or local government levels. And we want assets ‘gifted’ to Maori returned to Crown ownership for the collective benefit of ALL New Zealanders equally. Hugh Perrett | Hugh |
Absolutely! if people are a bit different, the only thing that’s required on our part is tolerance, instead, the woke brigade insists on ramming this stuff down our throats – enough is enough, lets follow Trump, here | Trevor |
NZ MUST revert to a simple meritocracy if we are to stand ANY chance of advancement from the mess that successive woke governments have created – especially the last Labour Government. | Geoffrey |
But we should pursue our own independent sovereignity.We should maintain peaceful relations with the U.S.A as well as trade and defence | David |
It’s a lot of woke bullshit, people can identify as a rabbit or a table if they want but don’t expect the rest of us to make any concessions to accommodate them | Chris |
Yes immediately. Time to stop the Woke Nonsense in its tracks. | Mark |
Merit should always be the decider not lifestyle, ethnicity, gender or skin colour. | Lucy |
Absolutely to select anyone for anything on the basis of anything other than merit & suitability is a race to the bottom of the pile. | Steve |
Yes – hopefully a light at the end of the tunnel | Roy |
Definately | Jill |
And please recind it immediately! | Janette |
Merit not race | Mick |
It is time new Zealanders listened to their own consciences and learned to resist the efforts of the LGBT lobby in its attempts to control our society as it has plainly been doing for some time now. Every New Zealander counts and fairness to all must be our goal. | Harvey |
Yes | John |
Yellow belly Luxon too scared of being called a racist to support any such move. No wonder talented young people are leaving in droves! | Tony |
Time to remove all wokeness and return to common sense. The best person for the job is the person with the knowledge and expertise required for the position full stop. | Carol |
Absolutly and without exception.DEI has forgotten about hard work,effort and merit. | gale |
Fuck YES | grant |
Absolutely | Kevin |
Absolutely. It will change this country for the better for everybody and not just for a certain group | Don |
Most definitely, and while they are at it they should withdraw from the Paris Agreement and the WHO | Kevin |
Should have been done a year ago. That’s what we voted for and what we were promised. | Lee |
Agree entirely ! | Jonathan |
Sooner the better. DEI is a cancer on our society. | Neil |
We should not have a single reference to race anywhere in our government, NGOs or private life. I vote for defending our sovereign nation and re-emphasising meritocracy. And we must hear from Luxon that he will protect NZ from a) the hordes of aliens now being expelled from USA & b) Open Borders mass migration. | Anne |
How refreshing that would be | John |
Act now! | Graham |
Absolutely!! Long overdue for the eradication of ALL ‘Wokeness’!! | Tony |
Let us go back when we were all equal. If you worked hard and used your brain you could have a high standard f living | LGF |
Huge problem right throughout all govt depts | Hone |
YES, they should, But i am pretty sure that our illustrious leader does not have the backbone to do it. | Bill |
Stopping the Conservation Department bowing down to Iwi and continuing with the assumption there is a partnership is an essential action. There is not, and never was a partnership. Constitutional matters should be determined by Parliament, not the Courts or any other public servants | Peter |
Of course it should…but it won’t! In NZ most of our political parties are still infected, some irretrievably, by the woke virus. This includes National and our PM, in particular. Even when he and his party promise to do something, inevitably the final result is a shadow of what we expected. Ultimately, its Kiwis themselves who have to decide they want to rid our society of all the racist, DEI crap. But will they? Probably not. There is one party in government who is openly committed to that – ACT. In a recent poll National dropped but did ACT gain? No – Labour did!!! That says it all. | Derek |
They also need to go further and eliminate all references to Treaty partnership with Maori/Iwi. | Mike |
equql opportunity for ALL Kiwis not just the brown. | anna |
All positions should be filled on absolute merit,skill and knowledge. Not just to tick some boxes. | Cathy |
Flick Donald an email, ask him to threaten NZ with tariffs (Colombia turned within six hours). Explain the apartheid creep in NZ and himself honouring MLK ‘colour blindness’. Finally, ‘fluff’ his ego and mention you’d like a round of golf at his new resort in the eastern med, in the near future……… | sam |
Yes, but I don’t think Luxon has the balls to make such a bold move. | John |
Not as a blanket rule. | Brian |
DEI is totally unnecessary | Yanna |
Let’s return to hiring the best not giving jobs to people because they tick the right boxes. Productivity will increase and the work environment will have an edge of competition. | Fi |
Makes sense | Geoff |
Of course it should. Dei ought never have been allowed to gain traction in the first place. | John |
Without doubt | Caren |
They should BUT will National do that I doubt it as they have done very little so far but promised so much they nead to get rid of Luxton he%u2019s not the leader we hoped for promising what | Peter |
Let determination and desire to better oneself thrive unfettered by quotas | tony |
This country should “grow up” and get back to the basics of human civilisation..freedom…prosperity and hard work. We have been there before. Lets’ get back on track Now. | Chris |
DEI is racism! Plain and simple. It needs to go! | Sheila |
Without a doubt. | Pauline |
Sooner the better | Evans |
They were voted in to do this, of course! | Giles |
Absolutely they should abolish DEI. | Simon |
absolutely yes, time for the nonsense to stop | john |
Of course it should. Ive recently been surprised how slow our coalition is at reading the world signs. The expression Go woke – Go broke is now years old. The lack of open public discussion and debate by our leadership regarding the climate change issue has always been disturbing. Love him or hate him – at least Trump is demonstrating an example of strong leadership for his people. | Andrew |
Merit should be the only criteria | Graeme |
This country needs to go back to basics totally agree with Martin Luther King forging a society that is colour blind and merit based. | Diane |
all labours agend should be wiped, but this govt will not do it | Colin |
Absolutely. And hopefully it’ll filter down to private companies as well. DEI has been a disaster world wide. Hopefully it’ll soon just be viewed as a time where the whole world went silly for a while… There’ll be loads of bleating from the Maori radicals of course, but hopefully it’ll be countered by the silent majority of Maori who have unfortunately been too silent for too long. | Dave |
Immediately | Mark |
Merit based with commonsense. Then follow the real science | RICHard |
This coalition is all talk no do especially Luxon who is hopeless trying to apeeze everybody,we need a real leader | Maurice |
However, out coalition govt thinks it is all very cool. Can’t see that changing anytime soon. | Jan |
Absolutely – and diversity should be stopped from being taught in school and confusing our kids. | Gerry |
Absolutely. One benefit is that it might stop the Navy losing any more ships……… | john |
Easy fix. When David Seymour becomes Deputy Prime Minister shift him up one position. | Peter |
Definitely as it is a foolish, illogical and dangerous policy that many around the world are now regretting going along with. | Ray |
if only they had the guts. NZ First & National are both stepping back from their election promises. Typical of politicians!!! why did I think it would be different! Never trust a politician!!! | Chris |
One nation one people | Mat |
Well over due !! | Paul |
It’s a no-brainer – NZ should be a meritocracy with no DEI. | Dave |
Yes | Frank |
Luxon is a disappointment. He is far too slow to act | John |
absolutely, it should be the best person for the job, black , white, male or female, stop this WOKE BS. | mike |
and fire all those who have been hired under those policies if they dont meet the pre DEI hiring standard. | gary |
Anything other than this brings NZ into an apartheid outcome. Currently we are well forward as a country practising this unfortunate race based nonsense. It is time to return our country to an equitable system for everyone. Not one where Maori get priority in nearly every state setting. We are all NZ’ers and to be treated equally under the law. We never want a return to the dark ages. | John |
Absolutely. NZ is as bad as California with the woke ideology. | Doug |
So long as the private sector groups are there for DEI reasons. If they are, on the other hand, actually effective then their contracts should be changed to eliminate DEI. | Brenton |
And a whole lot more! Get rid of that stone age language names for stuff! | John |
New Zealand has too many rules that are set by other countries and DEI is right at the top along with blatant racism at the highest level from what we know as our native New Zealanders. I was born and bred in New Zealand but now reside in the USA and I can tell you a wave of relief and enthusiasm flowed across this great country when Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. New Zealand for me is now just a place to visit after they cleanup their act. | Richard |
I would hate to see those who are different excluded from regular daily life. | Janet |
DEI is destroying any meritocracy we have left and reducing us to 3rd World status | Peter |
Yes Yes and YES – ab so bl.. lutely The whole scene is repulsive and pulling NZ into the gutter | Carolyn |
Please! | Mark |
DEI is dead. If Luxon wants growth then MEI is where it’s at and has always been: Merit, Excellence and Intelligence. And drop the maori partnership lies, grifting and duplicate governance nonsense. NZ needs at lot less hui and lots more doey. | Wendy |
Get rid of it all. Lets get back to normal. | Helen |
I voted yes but with Luxon in charge there’s not a hope in hell of the necessary changes being made, ditto the climate change hoax. | Alan |
I hope they have but it is doubtful. | Florence |
Yes they should get rid of DEI – it is poisoning workplace relations and has totally wrecked universities. It is a dangerous ideology that needs to be removed from all State agencies – and private sector groups associated with the government through regulation and funding. Because DEI covers race, that should mean the elimination of all racial categorisation as well. | David |
The Coalition should adopt many of President Trump’s policies. But do they have the courage? I’m not sure! | Maureen |
DEI has resulted in huge discrimination against New Zealanders who do not tick the diversity box. What’s gone on is truly appalling. | Paul |
Yes, the Coalition should cancel DEI, and they should pull out of the Paris Climate Accord as well. Reducing company tax down to 15% is a great idea too! | Ian |
It has been interesting to see that some of these important changes introduced by President Trump have been hardly reported on by NZ’s mainstream media. They must be afraid that good ideas catch on! | Michael |