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David Farrar

At the point the complainants went public, it would be an absolute no brainer. You have a choice of a scandal that affects your core brand involving the Labour leader, President, Finance Minister and NZ Council. Of course you get rid of the staffer.

It is very unwise for the Minister of Broadcasting to have breakfast with the head of news for Radio New Zealand – especially as the Minister is proposing to give Radio New Zealand millions more in funding.

Most businesses in New Zealand will be unaware of this, but by the end of the month they will be at risk of having their Internet access terminated, if they are accused of repeat copyright infringement. They do not have to be found guilty. They do not need to have been infringing themselves.

The Electoral Finance Bill is quite simply an unacceptable attack on the human rights of New Zealanders. This is not simply my view, but also the views of the Law Society and the Human Rights Commission. Even with the Select Committee modifications, they oppose the Bill being passed into law.