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Dr. Kevin Donnelly

The reality is that increased funding during the past 20 to 30 years, in Australia and overseas, has not led to stronger outcomes. What is required is a new model of schooling based on the right balance between competition, choice, autonomy and accountability.

Across the English-speaking world, debates have flared periodically about the impact of political correctness and left-wing ideology on the school curriculum. Education has become a central part of the culture wars and debates have centred on history teaching as well as English, especially literature, and the extent to which such subjects, so the critics argue, reinforce conservative values and capitalist, euro-centric hegemony.

How effective is New Zealand’s education system? Based on the performance of 15 year old students in the OECD’s 2006 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test, where students are ranked near the top out of 30 countries, some argue that there is cause for celebration.

New Zealand and Australia have a good deal in common: breeding Melbourne Cup winners, the ANZAC legend, Captain Cook and not making rugby world cup finals. Education is another area where we share many of the same characteristics. Since the early 90s, both countries have adopted what is termed an outcomes-based education (OBE) model of curriculum development.