Fiona Mackenzie

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Too Intimidated to Speak Out?

Business owners affected by growing iwi control are too afraid to speak out or make formal submissions about DOC’s discriminatory practices, fearing it could cost them their livelihoods. And job applicants stand no chance if they can’t demonstrate total support for the obligatory Māori narrative.

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DOC Promotes Ancestral Privilege

DOC’s discussion document outlines a framework heavily weighted toward racial prioritising of iwi and hapu interests. Their stated commitment to engaging with iwi as "Treaty partners" highlights the co-governance philosophy that has been so rapidly undermining our democracy and economic productivity under recent governments.

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Control the Water, Subjugate the People

Good law is that which is well defined and certain, and which does not favour any one ethnicity or part ethnicity over all others. Nowhere is this more important than when it comes to the provision and control of water – the essence of life. As it stands now, this Water Services Bill fails the standard. It vests unspecified power, control and revenue in the hands of unelected, unaccountable and unchallengeable people over all other New Zealanders.

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Rushed Housing & Development Authority Prioritises Maori Over All Other Kiwis

The thought of a super-powerful and unfettered, ‘race-based’ Authority rearranging our towns and cities, answerable only to the tribal elite, while providing risk-free investments for tribal businesses first and foremost, is most disturbing.

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Who’s Protecting the Public Interest?

Increasingly, local bodies and successive governments have been transferring responsibilities for control of resources that we all use and cherish to unelected, unaccountable representatives of tribal groups.

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There's More than One Way to Skin a Cat

If we were in any doubt that the education system is a powerful force in national politics and cultural values, the Education Council is obliterating that. New Zealanders have repeatedly expressed no appetite for constitutional reform, co-governance, compulsory te reo or a new flag, so now the activists are taking matters into their own hands to entrench their power over our minds.

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A Grab for the Gulf

The feeling of having been totally out-manoeuvred has become a common sensation amongst Auckland regional ratepayers – and they don’t know half of what is going on. This powerlessness extends to some of the well-meaning City Councillors who thought they were being elected to work for the people; they now see themselves as fall guys, taking the rap for conniving bureaucrats, greedy iwi and unscrupulous politicians.

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Manipulation of New Immigrants

There will always be individuals striving for greater personal power and control over others, at any cost. So when I read that Treaty of Waitangi workshops have been offered to new immigrants for the last 25 years, I’m curious.

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What's really going on in our schools?

If history has anything to teach us, it’s that we should never take anything for granted. We need to be vigilant in protecting what’s good about our society. New Zealand has so much to be proud of. We have led the world by ensuring equality of all citizens before the law, introducing universal male and female sufferage, and we’ve largely had great and integrated race relations. So when the Ministry of Education starts demanding that schools give people of one ethnic descent superior rights to all others, the hackles ought to be rising.