Gerrard Eckhoff

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The Death Rattle of Local Democracy

Local democracy may look like its working, but council  rules of engagement virtually prohibit any public conflict of opinion between councillors. Codes of Conduct and the demand for “group speak” preclude vigorous debate.  It is wrongly viewed that dissent around a council table is seen as dysfunctional. Nothing could be further from the truth. The ability to speak against and vote 'no' in the face of majority support is an all too rare attribute in politics.

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The Jewelled Gecko

There is an old adage that observes that if you want the same result, just keep on doing the same things. The loss of the famed Jewelled Gecko to wild life smugglers continues unabated from the Otago Peninsula and no doubt - else where. In fact they (the Geckos) are no sooner returned by Customs and DoC to their “natural” surroundings when some other foreign or indigenous scoundrel nicks them again.

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The Rattle of a Grumpy (Old?) Man

With an election in eight months time and the prospect of having to vote a party rather than a person into office- I’m getting grumpy.

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Plato's Conceit

A political system that allows the select few of the ruling elite to dominate the life of the ordinary person has come to be known as …..“Plato’s conceit”.

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The DoC Estate: the place where land goes to die

The DoC estate is the place where our land goes to die; proclaims a billboard north of Roxburgh.