Category: Climate Change

As a result of policies introduced to meet the demands of the United Nations Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the security of New Zealand’s electricity system has been severely compromised through the increasing use of intermittent wind and solar power. The ultimate objective of 100 percent renewable generation is clearly impossible.

Nothing we do can change the climate because India and China are burning vast amounts of coal and, anyway, real world evidence tells us that man-made global warming appears to be the biggest hoax in the history of the world. Trump and Badenoch have given up on net zero and we should do the same.

International commitment to the United Nations Paris Agreement is crumbling. Governments around the world are either rejecting or reducing their climate targets because the cost of compliance is so high they cannot be achieved without sacrificing living standards.

It is time to call a loud “halt” on our international signings. We should start backing out of the Paris Agreement in lock step with other countries and build a national and then international case to have ruminant methane removed from all research, reduction commitments, or taxing.

President Trump acknowledged the Inauguration was held on Martin Luther King Day: “In his honour, we will strive together to make his dream a reality” and he pledged: “We will forge a society that is colour blind and merit based.” That's essentially what our Coalition promised, but while they have made good progress, they still have a long way to go.

November 6 was a day of reckoning for the United States. It was the day the American people delivered a regime change by electing Donald J Trump as their 47th President. In what has been described as the greatest political comeback of all times, the 78-year-old went through hell to achieve his historic victory.

Red tape and bureaucracy are still out of control in this country. The state sector is still bloated and in need of firm direction to make it productive and less obstructive. Entrepreneurial Kiwis need to be encouraged, not penalised, so they can help to turn the country around and take us forward towards a better future.

The pursuit of ‘Net Zero” partly driven by a mistaken belief that if New Zealand reduced its emissions our climate will be better, has driven the ban on gas exploration and the desire to shut down our coal fired station, even though it is doing a vital job in keeping the lights on. It has also given us expensive and unreliable wind and solar power.

Why would New Zealand, a tiny country that is already one of the cleanest and greenest in the world need to do much more? We already produce 80 percent of our electricity from renewable energy sources. We have the most efficient farmers in the world. The country is awash with trees. And we are so ‘green’ that urban development and roading covers less than one percent of our land area.

We hear lots of claims that inaction in emissions comes with a massive financial bill from the Paris Agreement. Nonsense: the Agreement does not have penalties. Given its futility, New Zealand should either opt out of the Agreement or, like many other countries, ignore it. Given that Article 2(b) says that we should not do anything that threatens food production, why are so many people complaining about removing agricultural emissions from the ETS?