Category: Climate Change

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Olympic Success - Political Failure

New Zealand is at a crossroads. If Kiwis don’t proactively back a colour-blind future - united by what we have in common instead of divided by our differences - then that small group of radical extremists, who already have their hands on the levers of power, will replace democracy with tribal rule.

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Risk Assessments are not Threat Assessments

The Climate Change Minister James Shaw has published a Risk Assessment of the effects of global climate change on New Zealand during the next 5 years. It is a massive document which which will form the basis of a National Adaptation Plan in the next few months. This Plan is expected to “transform the economy” and have major impacts on private property rights.

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Troubled Waters Ahead

All councils should urgently hold a binding referendum of the residents and ratepayers they were elected to represent, to ask whether they want their assets transferred to central government without compensation, so control of water can be passed to iwi.

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The Wrong Path

Jacinda Ardern understands only too well that panic and fear are powerful instruments of political control. By creating widespread alarm that climate change is an emergency or a life or death crisis, she is clearing the way to transform New Zealand into a socialist state - with her firmly in control.

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Climate Change - natural phenomenon or man-made "threat"

So, the Climate Change Commission has produced their final report after careful consideration of the public submissions, and it's essentially the same as the draft report. The Treaty is mentioned 193 times and the report recommends “a Maori-led approach to ensure an equitable transition” - remind anyone of He Puapua?

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Climate Commission's Radical Plan

According to the IPCC, once a country has an ETS in place, no other policy interventions are necessary: “if a cap and trade system has a sufficiently stringent cap to affect emission‐related decisions, then other policies have no further impact on reducing emissions”.

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Commissioning Transformation

The Climate Commission’s first report is a huge disappointment. It is little more than a well-polished propaganda vehicle. With its woke-word-smithed style, it could just as easily have been published by Greenpeace...

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research I would like to thank you for your wonderful interest and support over the last 12 months - and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

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Resetting Politics and the Media

For those who support free markets, the Great Reset is alarming - as is the reset that is presently taking place within our media.

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Governing for Every New Zealander

I wonder if Jacinda Ardern understands that governing for every New Zealander means setting aside policies that are driven by extremism in favour of those that represent the public interest?