Category: Constitutional Reform

I will tell you what I think of most of these politicians and bureaucrats. As individuals, they may be nice enough; but collectively, they are lying, treacherous, arrogant, power-hungry, anti-democratic, environmentally heedless racist scum.

The electorate’s love affair with Jacinda Ardern is over. In spite of pro-government media and intense propaganda, New Zealanders are recognising just how incompetent and dangerous her Government really is.

It is traditional to start a new year with a stock-take of the state of the nation. We are now in the middle year of Labour’s three-year Parliamentary term of absolute power. While Jacinda Ardern claims she runs an open and transparent government, we now know that is a lie. Her election-night promise to govern for all New Zealanders, was also a lie...

The fundamental goal of Marxism remains the same, to destabilize existing democratic societies and substitute a new power elite which is the complete antithesis of the basic human yearning for personal freedom and participation of the masses in the governing of society. My case: nascent Marxism is alive and well in New Zealand...

On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research I would like to say a huge thank you for your on-going interest and wonderful support over the last 12 months - and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

You are trampling over the basic human rights of New Zealanders with socialist jack boots. This is not the New Zealand way. We feel betrayed us, and we have lost trust in your Government. That’s why we don’t love you anymore, Jacinda – and why you should resign.

New Zealand faces a major challenge to the future of its democracy, through the coming to power of the current Prime Minister Jacinda Arden. With a communist, socialist and dictatorial background, she has changed history by closing down both the economy and parliament with the excuse of Covid.

Tribalism is insidious and destructive. It divides families and communities, and it is dividing our nation. It’s also a class system that enriches the iwi elite, while leaving the most vulnerable mired in disadvantage.

For as long as this government stays in power and the courts continue to be populated with activist judges “not particularly learned in the detail of the law” New Zealand stands at a dangerous fork in the road.

Councils now own drinking water, wastewater and stormwater assets, directly or indirectly. That will change. Only iwi/Māori will have ownership rights. Directly in some respects, indirectly in others. Local authorities will have none.