Category: Constitutional Reform

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The Turning Tide of Public Opinion

On election night, Jacinda Ardern promised she would govern for “all New Zealanders”. It is unacceptable that she has allowed the racial extremism of her Maori Caucus to dominate the Labour Party. It’s time the moderates within Labour took back control since mainstream New Zealanders are horrified by the separatism and division.

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A Slow-Moving Coup

A slow-moving coup is underway in New Zealand. Unlike most coups, the transfer of power through non-democratic means that’s taking place is being orchestrated by the Prime Minister.

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Tikanga in law: what does it mean?

Tikanga is a religion.  We are presented with a set of beliefs that we are asked to accept and adhere to, without questioning, without rational understanding.  For myself, I refuse.

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A Masterclass in Propaganda

If Labour supporters really understood the threat to democracy the PM’s separatist agenda represents and the divided society it would create, their opposition and sense of betrayal would intensify. On this issue, we the majority have the mandate – Jacinda Ardern does not.

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Ardern’s Gamble: shutting down the “white privilege” debate

Jacinda Ardern has offered herself as a hostage to fortune by repeatedly denying that the doctrine of “white privilege” is being taught in schools, or that the teaching curriculum mentions it anywhere, or that it is part of her “government’s agenda”.

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Challenging the Agenda

New Zealand’s majority Labour Government is enacting a strategy to replace democracy with tribal rule by 2040 - without the consent of the public. By deliberately concealing her He Puapua agenda for tribal co-governance from voters during the election campaign, Jacinda Ardern has knowingly orchestrated an illegitimate abuse of power.

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Political Dishonesty

It is time to put an end to deceptive politicians being able to abuse their positions of power by delivering something they did not promise when soliciting public support on the campaign trail. This kind of political dishonesty should never be allowed in New Zealand and should not be tolerated.

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A Bombshell Ruling

A bombshell ruling from the High Court, unless appealed, opens the door to tribal control of New Zealand’s entire foreshore and seabed. It represents a major setback for those who believe the country’s coastline and Territorial Sea should be owned by no-one and protected by the Crown for the benefit of all.

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Notes on the Judgment of Churchman J. in the case of Re Edwards.

At the heart of the judge’s reasoning is the notion that “Tikanga”, a partly spiritual partly cultural concept comprising a number of strands of behaviour by which it is now said that Maori society ordered its affairs in times past can somehow translate to rules of law relevant to the multi-ethnic, sophisticated, and complex society which New Zealand now is.

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The Tide is Turning

What has been described as a “covert 20-year plan to establish Maori sovereignty” is now being rolled out by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern under the guise of a blueprint for the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.