Category: Constitutional Reform

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The Lockdown Week 1 – Questions...

German immunologist and toxicologist Professor Stefan Hockertz says, “Covid-19 is no more dangerous than influenza, but is simply observed much more closely. More dangerous than the virus is the fear and panic created by the media and the ‘authoritarian reaction’ of many governments.”

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COVID-19 pretext for sweeping Maori tribal territorial claims

Any restrictions anywhere in New Zealand on public movement under COVID-19 Level 4 national emergency criteria should apply equally everywhere and to everybody, regardless of race, and only be imposed and enforced by legitimate authorities of the state and not Maori amateurs.

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Judicial Activism

Without a doubt Sian Elias’ Ngati Apa judgement was unprecedented judicial activism. And that’s the problem with judicial activism – the public are left to pick up the pieces. So here we are, almost 20 years later, facing multiple tribal claims for the country’s entire coastline. The first ones will be heard this year...

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It’s all about the narrative. Who controls it, wins

In Britain and much of the west, the risible pretence is maintained that the religion has nothing to do with Islamic extremism. From the moment this threat emerged in Britain more than three decades ago, the establishment has refused to acknowledge that what we are facing is Islamic holy war, rooted in religious doctrines which are as genuine as they are contestable.

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Powerful Forces Threaten Our Future

A new radicalised narrative now claims that Maori have been oppressed since colonial times and their over-representation in disadvantage is the fault of the descendants of the colonisers. Meng Foon, Labour’s new Race Relations Commissioner is promoting this propaganda.

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Meng Foon shares his thoughts on criticism of the treaty

The Race Relations Commissioner demanded Andrew Hollis’s immediate resignation after posting on social media the Treaty is “a joke”. Point of Order sought clarification about the implications for the freedom of speech which should be cherished in a healthy democracy.

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Fake History

Through the unprecedented denigration of Captain Cook and other historical leaders as “white supremacists”, and the malicious vilification of the colonisation process, the scene is now being set for the next phase of this power grab: the indoctrination of children through fake history.

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The Zero Carbon Bill

If enacted, the Bill will certainly crown Ms Ardern and Mr Shaw as the undisputed world leaders of the long-sought climate revolution. They will be feted and applauded at UN-sponsored conferences in every corner of the globe

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Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

UNDRIP is a a powerful weapon for Maori supremacy - a lever to set in motion an agenda which would see the tribal elite assuming higher authority over domestic matters than other New Zealanders.

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UNDRIP – Yet Another Duty To Consult

Make no mistake about it: The Indigenous policy that Canada has followed for the past couple of generations – namely giving ever more money and power to chiefs – has been an absolute and utter failure.