Category: Constitutional Reform
The intractable problems about this Judicial favouring of one group in our society above all others are plain to see: Nobody knows what the content of Tikanga is until some learned elder comes to the court with an explanation.
We live in a divided, racist, apartheid state which has had its unity, democracy and sovereignty ripped away, with the final step under preparation – of two separate race-based parliaments passing different laws, with the dominant ‘indigenous’ authority following the ancient, Stone Age culture of tikanga that once brought nation-wide tribal warfare and cannibalism.
The iwi elite have been extraordinarily successful in persuading successive governments to progress their separatist agenda. Their takeover has 'captured' many of the country’s key institutions including much of the mainstream media, some of highest echelons of the Judiciary, the vast majority of our universities, and most State Sector agencies.
Currently there are seven Maori electorates in Parliament. Six are held by persons claiming Maori ethnicity and who belong to the “Maori Party.” Notwithstanding widespread calls for the abolition of the Maori seats no member of the coalition has shown any inclination to table legislation to that effect.
If Sir Roger is right in his prediction that none of the existing political parties will support the proposed reforms because they don’t want to relinquish their tight-fisted grip on power, then we will need an army of Kiwis who are prepared to help us create the momentum we will need for a change of this scale...
New Zealand’s Supreme Court – the highest court in our land - has been captured by activist judges. What is heartening, is the emergence of a wide range of eminent legal voices all openly criticising the Court and calling for this problem to be addressed..
It is crucial to the administration of justice that all judges approach the cases before them with open minds and setting aside all pre-conceived views and beliefs. Once that corner stone is eroded then our court system rapidly descends to one of patronage, and who you know.
If the Marine and Coastal Area Act is not fixed Maori will become the legal owners of virtually of the entire coastline and Territorial Sea of New Zealand - including vast reserves of the invaluable minerals such as rare earths in the seabed.
Given that these partnership claims are devoid of principle, common sense, or any legal basis it is beyond time that our Parliamentarians stopped pandering to such blatant self-serving nonsense.
Many are aware that there are two treaties, an 1840 treaty and a 1986 reinvention, and that people on both sides talking past each other when it comes to treaty politics. But beware of everyone who alleges the coalition government is “rewriting the treaty”. The treaty was quietly rewritten long ago and that rewritten treaty is behind the division that is on display at Waitangi today.