Category: Constitutional Reform

Never forget that this is our country, our future to decide. Politicians, and the political system do not serve us well. It will take a considerable effort to turn back from racism as the normal and accepted state of affairs. Getting rid of co-governance would be a good first step, but only a first step on the long road back to equality.

It is unsurprising that the public objects to enforced racial categorisation. And that’s the bottom line - Kiwis want to be treated as equals, united as one people under one flag. New Zealand is one nation - a country of equal citizens, not a collection of competing tribes.

With equality there would be no Maori roll, no Maori seats in parliament, no Maori wards in local government, no Waitangi Tribunal, no Treaty settlements, no separate schools and hospitals, no co-governance, no Three Waters. We could simply settle down and live together.

New Zealand stands on the abyss of a Marxist inspired racially divided future and four more years of this government will be all it takes to realise that dream...

Three (now five) Waters has not only exposed the radical racial agenda that is now dividing our country, but it has also exposed the truth about who holds the reins of power in government.

In the Westminster system of government the King in Parliament is sovereign, and no government of the day can bind the hands of its successor. This is constitutional Law 101.

Nanaia Mahuta is bulldozing her legacy project – tribal control of all New Zealand water - onto the country, over-riding the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and treating the public like fools.

Three Waters is an appalling work of political manipulation and misinformation. It exemplifies what’s so bad about the 2020 Labour government. It also explains why there is such derision and hostility towards Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta in particular.

With control over water potentially wrapped up, local government is now the new focus for the Maori tribal elite. That agenda was initiated in April 2021 when Minister Mahuta announced her comprehensive review of local government. The outcome was predetermined by the terms of reference that embodied her fake Treaty “partnership”.

In simple language, the terms of reference require the panel to reform local government in a way that is consistent with the wishes of central government. Reforming local government in the way recommended in the Future for Local Government report would be a giant leap forward for the government in achieving its He Puapua strategy.