Category: Constitutional Reform

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Coup in New Zealand

Fortunately, people like Richard Prebble, Jason Smith, Graham Adams, and Elizabeth Rata are calling out the transformational change Jacinda Ardern promised for what it is – a coup against democracy. 

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In Defence of Democracy

Tribalism and democracy are incompatible. We can’t have both.  If we wish to keep New Zealand as a liberal democratic nation then, as we derive our citizen rights from the nation-state, so we have a duty to ensure that the nation-state which awards those rights, remains democratic and able to do so.

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The Revolution Within

New Zealand democracy is under attack. But the threat does come from other nations – the threat comes from within. It’s time for Kiwis to wake up to the civil revolution that is occurring within our society. The agenda of the iwi elite to restore pre 1840 Maori governance to New Zealand is well advanced and progressing rapidly under Jacinda Ardern’s guidance.

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The Rights of Indigenous Peoples

In New Zealand in 2022, we are witnessing a coup designed to dismantle our democracy and the Rule of law and replace it with the worst form of tribalism coupled with the greed of those who want what they have not earned. Well, the gloves are off and more and more New Zealanders are waking up to the need to protect all that we hold dear in our way of life.

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Animal Farm Democracy

Using a Local Council Bill, Labour is planning to replace the one-person, one-vote, all votes are equal principle upon which our Westminster representative democracy is based, with Animal Farm democracy, that elevates the influence of some voters above all others.

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Rotorua Gerrymander is a Blatant Power-Grab

The Labour Government has surrendered to a terrible temptation. The glittering prize of perpetual power has swept away their traditional respect for constitutional conventions, their political ethics, and even their commonsense.

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Labour IS the Crisis

Jacinda Ardern is reminding us, not only that governments cannot be trusted, but of the importance of ensuring democratic safeguards are in place to protect citizens when their governments go bad.

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Governing by Deceit

Jacinda Ardern has no mandate to replace our colour-blind democracy with a tribal system of totalitarian rule that will deliver public power and wealth to an elite group of iwi business leaders to use for their own enrichment. This agenda needs to be exposed - and condemned by all Kiwis who still believe in democracy

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Can “principles of partnership” trump our state sovereignty

This current government has been much criticised for its lack of transparency, and its reliance upon an army of recently-appointed spin-doctors. It clearly believes that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste” and knows that there will never again be such an all-concealing cloak as the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Nothing to Fear

The co-governance agenda Willie Jackson is promoting as ‘nothing to be scared of’, represents totalitarian control by unaccountable private race-based business development corporations. Labour has no mandate for these extremist measures - we should demand a halt.