Category: Crime & Justice
We would do well to remember that it was not the FBI who brought down Al Capone, America’s crime Czar but the Inland Revenue Service who secured convictions for tax evasion on a massive scale resulting in his imprisonment for a lengthy period and permanent damage to his criminal family.
Labour employs an army of public relations advisors and communications experts. So, it’s really no surprise to find that contrary to Labour’s record of abject failure in virtually every area of governance, a narrative of success and sound economic management is being run.
It is no wonder that Ngai Tahu are content to let their water grab rest unresolved in the High Court when they have a cast iron legislative right through Three Waters (Affordable Water) waiting in the wings.
Keen-Minshull’s rally was over before it had even begun – victim of the Thug’s Veto. Her right to free expression had been illegally and violently curtailed. Why, in the face of credible threats to her person, was police protection denied to Keen-Minshull and her followers?
The three pillars which underpin our way of life are: Democracy, the Market Economy and The Common Law. These pillars are being eroded by the present government with the push for a tribally based society and the backlash which has forced a Prime Minister from power and replaced her with a trick cyclist who is displaying impressive skills of back peddling.
On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research I would like to say a huge thank you for your on-going interest and wonderful support over the last 12 months - and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!
We now live in an increasingly dystopian world, where saying the wrong thing can get you ‘cancelled’ - fired, socially ostracised, even jailed. Worse, under Jacinda Ardern’s regime, New Zealand is morphing into an Orwellian society, where things no longer mean what they say – lies are called the truth, and the real truth is re-classified as misinformation or disinformation.
Jacinda Ardern’s path to co-governance and tribal rule, has barely got off the ground, but is already proving to be a recipe for Maori privilege by an inherited elite that will divide and weaken our society. Their end goal, of course - as outlined in He Puapua - is to ‘take the country back’ to tribal rule by 2040.
It is beyond question that nothing in the case suggests that the Treaty in any way creates a partnership between Maoris and The Crown or brings into question the legitimacy of our democracy. To argue the contrary on the basis of this court case is either ignorant or wilfully dishonest.
It’s time Kiwis found their voice and defined the line between personal freedom and state control. Do we want an authoritarian regime that believes every problem can be solved through regulation - or do we want a government that will enable us to do the very best we can for ourselves and our families?