Category: Crime & Justice

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Tikanga in law: what does it mean?

Tikanga is a religion.  We are presented with a set of beliefs that we are asked to accept and adhere to, without questioning, without rational understanding.  For myself, I refuse.

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Maori Lore

The places where the common law exists are among the most successful, settled, prosperous societies on earth enjoying the greatest degree of personal freedoms. Almost without exception they also enjoy democratic government which is protected by the Rule of Law.

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A Step too far: Bi-Cultural Partnership

This misguide belief that the Treaty did create a partnership of governance, has been weaponised. It is no longer just a tool of convenience for self-proclaimed “influencers” but a dangerous weapon in the hands of “wannabe” politicians who seek to chart our future.

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Protecting Vulnerable Children

New Zealand’s child abuse problem is largely due to the incentives in public policy that encourage children to be born into homes that do not provide them with the stability of two loving parents. Changing those incentives should be the Government’s top priority...

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Attacking Free Speech - 2020

The freedom of expression is a bedrock New Zealand value. The last thing we need is the chilling effect of Big Brother watching - policing our speech and monitoring our every utterance, telling us which words we can and cannot use.

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Incompetence is one thing, misinformation another

A watershed moment point came for me when I heard political commentator Richard Harman state the unthinkable on Jim Mora’s The Weekend Panel when he called on Bloomfield to resign for misleading his minister.

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Will the Proposed Cannabis Legislation Achieve its "Overarching Objective" of Reducing the Harms Associated With Cannabis Use?

No doubt the middle classes who fashionably use cannabis for recreation will happily bear the extra costs of their habit and also be relieved that their reputations are no longer at risk from prosecution.  The harm that is being done with the growth of the cannabis, meth and heroin markets elsewhere is to them someone else’s problem.

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Was Level 4 a Step Too Far?

Andrew Borrowdale, a former parliamentary draughtsman and author of respected law texts, alleges that the “special powers” delegated by section 70 of the Health Act 1956 cannot provide Parliamentary authority for the entire populace to be locked up at home.

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Dangerous Agendas

New Zealand is not immune from the consequences of protests over the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of US Police being captured by political extremists pushing their own radical agendas.

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“Taking a knee” to the destroyers of worlds

The smear that the west is institutionally racist is designed to both facilitate and obscure the real agenda of overturning capitalist society because it is white and therefore deemed intrinsically evil – which of course is itself a racist agenda.