Category: Crime & Justice

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NZ’s right to bear arms?

New Zealand has avoided many irreconcilable political fights over competing values. Now an ignorant generation are looking for ways to anger their opponents by deliberately kicking sleeping dogs - focusing on differences instead of shared values.

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The Politicisation of a Tragedy

What is disturbing, however, is how the matter is now being politicised. The emotions of those in shock and grieving are being exploited by political opportunists and radicals. Through State censorship and hasty law changes, Jacinda Ardern’s Government is trying to disempower New Zealanders and keep us in the dark. 

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So now we know: we're a nation of racists and Islamophobes

It’s a narrative of self-loathing that wants us to think the worst of ourselves, that shamelessly seeks to politicise the killings and create a moral panic in the hope not only that we’ll tighten the gun ownership laws but far more ominously, that we might be persuaded to discard such democratic niceties as freedom of speech.

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United We Stand

We have all been sickened by the attacks that claimed the lives of 50 innocent men, women and children. We condemn violence and extremism in all of its forms and as a country we stand with the bereaved during this incredibly difficult time

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Christchurch mosque massacre changes New Zealand forever

New Zealand has tragically lost its innocence. We are not so much in a state of shock but in a state of profound sorrow. How could praying, innocent men, women and children, be mowed down in such a barbarous manner, with no regard for life?

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UN Member States: Migration Is a Human Right

The United Nations, in a non-binding agreement that almost all UN member states will sign at a ceremony in Morocco in early December, is making migration a human right. The agreement propagates the radical idea that migration - for any reason - is something that needs to be promoted, enabled and protected.

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The Dangers of Judicial Activism

Ill-advised comments by senior Judges can have a profound and long-lasting impact. We saw this in the 1987 Lands Case between the New Zealand Maori Council - represented by Sian Elias - and the Attorney-General, when the President of the Court of Appeal, Sir Robin Cooke, used the word ‘partnership’.

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Time for Random Drug Testing of Drivers.

Far too many people driving on our roads are impaired. They are putting their lives and the lives of others in danger. The new Government needs to get real on this and put aside their political bias and give the green light to the random roadside drug testing of drivers.

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Drug testing on our roads is overdue

Road deaths involving a driver with drugs in their system are increasing and it is well past time that New Zealand gave Police the ability to check for drugs through a saliva test. As illegal drugs and legal medications become ever-more part of people’s lives, crashes involving drugged drivers are increasing.

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The Mating Game and #MeToo

My parents met during “the dirty thirties,” depression years, when life was tough. They were both teachers in small schools on the prairies. My father was older than my mother, and after a brief courtship they married.