Category: Democracy

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Climate Commission's Radical Plan

According to the IPCC, once a country has an ETS in place, no other policy interventions are necessary: “if a cap and trade system has a sufficiently stringent cap to affect emission‐related decisions, then other policies have no further impact on reducing emissions”.

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The Abuse of Power  

Tens of thousands of New Zealanders who have signed petitions established under the law calling for their councils to hold a referendum on Maori seats will have their democratic rights trampled underfoot by her jack-booted totalitarianism.

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Nanaia Mahuta reminded me of Rob Muldoon

Nanaia Mahuta announced last Monday that she doesn’t like the ability of ratepayers to demand a referendum, and intends to change the law.  In the meantime, she simply told the local authorities where ratepayers were demanding a referendum to ignore the current law.

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Protecting Vulnerable Children

New Zealand’s child abuse problem is largely due to the incentives in public policy that encourage children to be born into homes that do not provide them with the stability of two loving parents. Changing those incentives should be the Government’s top priority...

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Apartheid New Zealand

New Zealand has reached a turning point. Emboldened by Jacinda Ardern’s election success and the majority she now controls, demands for separatism are growing so strong that the country is in danger of becoming an apartheid nation where a minority world view is increasingly used to control the majority of the population.

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Is it Racist to Disagree with a Person of Colour? 

The left is now in grave danger of throwing out the baby of our democracy, with the bathwater of our colonial past. But our democratic institutions, and the science, and the meritocracy that support them, have to be allowed to flourish without wrong-minded opportunism based on an appropriation of history, including the history of race.  

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research I would like to thank you for your wonderful interest and support over the last 12 months - and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

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The Big Lie

The ‘big lie’ that is being perpetrated against New Zealand democracy is that ‘Maori are in partnership with the Crown’. The ambitious tribal elite driving this dangerous agenda are demanding supreme rights - the power to co-govern New Zealand.

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There is no end to the Partnership demands which will be visited on the long-suffering majority of New Zealanders, demands which have no basis in law but which the current government shows every sign of supporting.

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Resetting Politics and the Media

For those who support free markets, the Great Reset is alarming - as is the reset that is presently taking place within our media.