Category: Democracy
The extraordinary Māori land protest at Ihumātao in Auckland is symbolic of our time. It is unlikely to have occurred, say, five years ago.
The Prime Minister’s plan is to put so much pressure on farmers that she will drive them out of business – just as occurred in the coal industry, and oil and gas. So exactly how is she doing this? Here are five ways.
The freedom of expression is a cornerstone of our democracy. It results in a stronger and more resilient society. Once opinions are silenced and society becomes stifled, it’s only a short step to totalitarian control.
We hear a lot about balance these days, especially as it applies to the media. Soon, no doubt, it will be a legal requirement, further eroding our freedom of expression. Things were not always thus.
Drug use is now the major threat to public safety on our roads.
I’m not sure the 55 percent of Coloradans who voted for commercialization in 2012 thought they were voting for all this.
The Budget reveals that under the stewardship of Jacinda Ardern’s Government, New Zealand’s economic growth has fallen from 3.2 percent last year to 2.4 percent this year. Treasury attributes this to a drop in migration and a collapse in business investment growth from 6.8 percent last year to 0.7 percent this year.
Labour promised something special, but Budget 2019 delivered something quite ordinary. Those who believe governments should foster a vibrant economy will find nothing of real substance to applaud, while those who have been promised a transformational change in social policy will be left feeling they have been short-changed.
The ‘elites’ in Labour and the Greens have captured the agenda, attacking free speech, advancing race-based privilege, and prioritising identity politics, alienating middle of the road voters in the process.
More broadly, the modern progressive left has lost touch with the fact that what ordinary people want from their government is a spirit of respect, dignity and hope for the future.