Category: Democracy
On October 23rd last year New Zealand First leader Winston Peters announced that he’d chosen the most radical left wing coalition in this country’s history to become our new Government.
The Green Party membership have voted resoundingly to take the party in a more left-wing direction by selecting Marama Davidson as the new co-leader. That’s the consensus amongst commentators analysing the announcement.
Last month Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull, the President of Local Government New Zealand wrote to the coalition Government calling for the removal of the petition rights that allow local residents and ratepayers to demand a poll if their Council unilaterally decides to establish Maori wards.
The Western Bay of Plenty District Council is divided into three wards for electoral purposes. However, in November 2017, Councillors voted - with nine votes in favour and three opposed - to establish additional race-based wards, which would guarantee seats for Maori.
In some cases being a ‘soft touch’ is a positive and appropriate. But not when one is the Prime Minister. Jacinda Ardern is increasingly looking out of her depth. But if she’s not really in control of the country, the question is, who is.
It is very unwise for the Minister of Broadcasting to have breakfast with the head of news for Radio New Zealand – especially as the Minister is proposing to give Radio New Zealand millions more in funding.
It is said, that free speech is a sign of a healthy democracy, but are people really free to speak their mind in New Zealand today? At one time it was OK for someone to be offended by what others said. They were told to toughen up and get on with life.
The Fascists of the Left (FOTLs, pronounced “Fottles”) have won. Free speech in New Zealand is dead. It has been throttled by Fottles. The Fottles have been frenetic. One, Mullah Marvelly, issued a Fatwa via Twit-Witter. Then a second Fatwa was launched in the form of a petition…
The Marine and Coastal Area Act is flawed in many respects, but especially in its failure to define a critical legal test. As it stands, unless the law is amended, it will be Judges rather than Parliament that determines whether Maori interests will own some of the coastal marine area or most of it.
The recent volatility in sharemarkets around the world should serve as a warning to our new Government about the fragility of financial markets and the crucial importance of having a strong balance sheet as a buffer against future economic shocks.