Category: Democracy

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How New Zealand First Might “Take Back Our Country”

For the first time ever, Peters has announced they will not support a Labour government and, if NZ First are there with 5 percent of the vote or more, the chances of Labour-Greens-TPM having enough seats to form a government are very slim.

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Cultural Injustice

Labour has fundamentally undermined New Zealand’s criminal justice system since coming to power in 2017. The consequences are plain for all to see. It’s fixation with making the Maori incarceration statistics more “equitable” is dangerous. New Zealanders have a right to feel safe, and they must demand better from whoever becomes the government on October 14.

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Tikanga is not law

In the Ellis case, a majority of the New Zealand Supreme Court stated that tikanga was “the first law” of New Zealand. If the Supreme Court’s stance is confirmed in a case where such pronouncements are necessary, tikanga will apply generally within the common law of New Zealand. But “tikanga” cannot be the “first” law - because it is not “law” at all.

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A Big Idea

How on earth has a fiercely independent nation like New Zealand, with its number eight fencing wire heritage and strong pioneering spirit, reached a point where The Government is doing almost everything for us – including feeding our children? The answer is simple. Because we, the people, let them! But its now time to take the country back!

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Why a Lack of Imagination Threatens Our Very Future

We no longer live in a world where old divisions between left and right, socialist and conservative suffice. We live in a new world, where new ways of thinking are required. We need to throw off the failed policies of the past 20 years and rethink what it means to govern. If we do that, there is hope, not only for our country but the myriad individuals who call it home.

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All Are Equal

Essentially, the only way to remove the widespread racial preferences that Labour has introduced under their He Puapua agenda, will be for Parliament to step in with legislation that ensures New Zealand is a colour-blind society where all citizens are treated equally under the law and all discrimination based on race is illegal.

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The Sins of the Fathers….

This is the core of the US Supreme Court’s judgment – every citizen is an individual and cannot be defined by any one physical characteristic. Stereotyping and racial averaging is wrong in all circumstances, regardless of benign intentions

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A High Stakes Election

The only hope for New Zealand is a change of government and a new administration determined to not just halt the social and cultural revolution that has divided our society and eroded the fundamental principles of our democracy, but to reverse it.

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A Betrayal of Trust

With the Maori seats now leading to the undermining of equal rights and the Rule of Law - in violation of Section 19(1) of our New Zealand Bill of Rights that guarantees all New Zealanders freedom from discrimination based on race - surely it’s time they were removed so New Zealand can once again become a country of equals.  

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The Universal University

When a university no longer commits to the principle of universalism it can neither claim, nor does it deserve, the title of university. We need to ask why our universities - among the best in the world throughout the 20th century - have in great haste and without debate, embraced anti-universal decolonisation and indigenisation.