Category: Democracy

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Labour’s Climate Scandal

If the mainstream media had been acting as our democracy’s Fourth Estate, instead of promoting climate alarmism, it’s likely that the public would be outraged about the extortionate costs that Labour and the Greens are attempting to force onto the country through their Zero Carbon agenda.

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Should agricultural methane be taxed?

It beggars belief that our legislators are prepared to commit to multi-billion-dollar policies to achieve supposedly science-based objectives, at a time when the scientists themselves say they don’t yet have a clear handle on this very new area of their discipline. 

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Media Freedom to be Muzzled

A new Government regulator – already dubbed ‘Big Brother’ - will have the power to control what can and cannot be discussed online by all media organisations that have an annual audience of more than 100,000 or a mailing list of 25,000 or more subscribers.

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If I Wanted New Zealand to Fail

If I wanted New Zealand to fail... To suffer, not prosper; to despair, not dream. I would start with democracy itself. I would say it is not working. I’d say that a House of Representatives that represents all people, does not suit a modern society. I’d call it old-fashioned... 

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The Great Global Warming Awakening

Before our eyes, the climate change movement is morphing into totalitarianism. With the State intruding ever deeper into our private lives will New Zealanders stand by and let them take more control, or, as a nation, will we too push back to defend our freedom and way of life?

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Long Live the King!

Like shifting sands, New Zealand’s political parties are readying themselves for the most important election of our time. Opposition parties are focussed on removing race-based laws and growing the economy, while the “coalition of chaos” looks likely to double down on He Puapua and tribal rule, while continuing their reckless tax and spend.

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To be or not to be Republican or Monarchist

Teetering as we are on the brink of tribal Marxism should this government be returned to power I can think of no worse a time in our history to be considering abandoning the Monarch as our head of state. Republicans take heed.  What you are proposing will be a disaster for the survival of our democracy and way of life.

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Tyranny of the Minority

Turning New Zealand back into a society where are all Kiwis are equal under the law, is the only way to build a strong and united future. Otherwise, we risk descending into the toxic race-based abyss currently being planned by the Maori Party and their allies.

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Chiefs at War

There is also now clearly emerging inter-generational conflict within Māori between more moderate iwi elders intent on working within the system and a younger generation of activists intent on destroying the system. The real question is whether any politicians are brave enough to confront these issues.

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Naked Greed

It is no wonder that Ngai Tahu are content to let their water grab rest unresolved in the High Court when they have a cast iron legislative right through Three Waters (Affordable Water) waiting in the wings.