Category: Environmentalism

As a result of the embedding of the fabricated Treaty “partnership” culture throughout the state sector, and the explosion of DEI initiatives, the public became engulfed in a tsunami of “woke”. But instead of stepping up and dealing with these growing concerns, the PM continues to turn a blind eye. And this is where National has a serious problem.

It is hard to believe, now, that the conservation movement was once a power in New Zealand. Alas, the wokesters are now in charge. Do they not keep up with the news? The Age of Woke is over. All over the western world, ordinary decent people are finally rebelling against the smug complacent intolerant arrogance of ruling elites.

New Zealand is now reaping the consequences of the misguided appeasement strategy adopted by successive governments when dealing with the radical demands of Maori leaders. They have bent over backwards apologising and kowtowing to these activists, even though their subversive plans for tribal rule threaten our democracy.

Business owners affected by growing iwi control are too afraid to speak out or make formal submissions about DOC’s discriminatory practices, fearing it could cost them their livelihoods. And job applicants stand no chance if they can’t demonstrate total support for the obligatory Māori narrative.

President Trump acknowledged the Inauguration was held on Martin Luther King Day: “In his honour, we will strive together to make his dream a reality” and he pledged: “We will forge a society that is colour blind and merit based.” That's essentially what our Coalition promised, but while they have made good progress, they still have a long way to go.

DOC’s discussion document outlines a framework heavily weighted toward racial prioritising of iwi and hapu interests. Their stated commitment to engaging with iwi as "Treaty partners" highlights the co-governance philosophy that has been so rapidly undermining our democracy and economic productivity under recent governments.

We hear lots of claims that inaction in emissions comes with a massive financial bill from the Paris Agreement. Nonsense: the Agreement does not have penalties. Given its futility, New Zealand should either opt out of the Agreement or, like many other countries, ignore it. Given that Article 2(b) says that we should not do anything that threatens food production, why are so many people complaining about removing agricultural emissions from the ETS?

The greatest cost burden of the climate extremism promoted by well-to-do elitist urbanites pushing their anti-growth “reset” falls on the poorest in society. The hypocrisy of elites flying business class to warm locations while preaching the perils of climate change, was not lost on those who can’t afford the electricity bills to heat their homes.

We seek boldness from the Coalition and industry to tackle the huge injustice of condemning farmers for being polluters when the latest science is clear: ruminants are not a problem. Saving millionths of a degree by decimating our most successful industry is as ludicrous as cutting off your hand to spite your elbow. Could we return to sanity, please?

New Zealand is suffering from ‘activist capture’. As a nation, we’ve allowed this to happen because some at the top of the political pyramid have themselves been activists, while others have lacked the backbone and focus to say "enough is enough".