Category: Environmentalism

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Statement by Sir Russell Coutts Sail GP CEO

Unfortunately yesterday was another example of there being almost no balance in the decision making – another example of New Zealand being handcuffed by unprecedented layers of bureaucracy and red tape.

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A “Global Warmer” Against the Polluters 

It is crucial to the administration of justice that all judges approach the cases before them with open minds and setting aside all pre-conceived views and beliefs. Once that corner stone is eroded then our court system rapidly descends to one of patronage, and who you know. 

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A Media Reset

Democracy is undoubtedly enhanced by a strong media landscape. But if New Zealand is to return to having that, there needs to be a reset. The media needs to commit to their own principles to “be bound at all times by accuracy, fairness and balance." A balanced approach to climate change may well have prevented the damaging policies that are now in place.

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RCP 8.5: A recipe for endless waste

Too often, New Zealand planners and engineers ignore the core requirement to select one of the opposing scenarios and ignore the rest. Instead, they bundle them all together and then base their analysis on the “worst case” of 8.5.  Consequently, there is a better than 99% chance that their forecasts will turn out to be completely and expensively wrong.

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Coalition Deals

We are witnessing a remarkable turnaround in New Zealand politics. The Coalition agreement entered into by National, ACT and New Zealand First reflects the first three-party coalition deal in our country’s history. Democracy can be seen to have prevailed, with MMP delivering what a majority of New Zealanders want.

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1.5°C - An Unethical Aspiration

80,000 delegates and 5,000 journalists are winging their way to Dubai from all corners of the world (including thousands in their personal jets) for COP28 of the UN’s FCCC. Their earnestly stated objective is to stop the world from warming by as much as 1.5° C above the levels of 1850. Yet they know this is a lie. They know it is unethical.

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Labour's Deliberate Deception

If our climate models used realistic scenarios instead of those discredited by the UN - and the correct value for methane - we would not need an emissions trading scheme, a carbon tax, or any of the myriad of climate regulations that have been imposed onto the country.

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Labour’s Climate Scandal

If the mainstream media had been acting as our democracy’s Fourth Estate, instead of promoting climate alarmism, it’s likely that the public would be outraged about the extortionate costs that Labour and the Greens are attempting to force onto the country through their Zero Carbon agenda.

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The Great Global Warming Awakening

Before our eyes, the climate change movement is morphing into totalitarianism. With the State intruding ever deeper into our private lives will New Zealanders stand by and let them take more control, or, as a nation, will we too push back to defend our freedom and way of life?

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Wind and Solar Power Need Storage

Given that the CEO of Transpower has warned us of the risk of blackouts this year, when the lakes are full, it seems to be inevitable that if it was a dry year, we would be in serious trouble. Quite obviously, the electricity market is unable to ensure an economic and reliable supply.