Category: Environmentalism

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Climate Revelations

A series of four articles analysing the announcement by the UN that has shocked climate alarmists: This Changes Everything!; The News Story of the Year!; Is 2.5°C Close Enough?; and The overdue retraction of a giant lie...

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Labour Plans an Act of ‘Mega Stupidity’

Quite frankly the livestock emissions policy is absurd and more so given our Prime Minister is forcing this tax onto our productive sector some fifty years before the world’s main carbon emitters are planning to take any action on reducing emissions.

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The Government is intent on pricing livestock emissions - but why?

By the Government’s own modelling its scheme will send 20% of beef and sheep farmers and 5% of dairy farmers out of existence. Out of existence will also go their share of the $30b export earnings the sectors earn each year.

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A Climate of Authoritarianism

The reality is that nature controls the climate, not politicians. The most sensible thing we can do is learn to adapt – as humans have always done throughout history.

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20 Reasons Why Government Waste on Climate Policy is Inexcusable

How long will New Zealand voters tolerate under-investment in all other public services to accommodate massive over-investments in the ambition of some politicians to ‘lead the world’ in Climate Policy?

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Unhinged Obsession

The climate crisis is a political crisis – not one rooted in the real world. It has arisen because successive governments have adopted the radical socialist agenda of the UN to restrict emissions of carbon dioxide as a means of regulating their economies.

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Escalating Power Prices

Escalating power prices and frequent shortages seem to be inevitable. If the government takes prompt and effective action, the magnitude can be mitigated. If the government continues its blind pursuit of “carbon zero” increasing economic damage will force it to abandon the policy.

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Lessons for New Zealand

The shock invasion of the Ukraine serves as a grim reminder of the fragility of freedom and democracy in the face of powerful totalitarian aggressors. But it should also be a wake-up call - the invasion of the Ukraine is being financed by Western nations that have sacrificed energy security for the United Nations’ zero-carbon economic suicide pact.

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The Green Dream Goes Lethal

Through their unhinged obsession with “climate change,” America, Britain and Europe have handed Putin his greatest weapon against them. In their determination to reduce carbon emissions by turning against fossil fuels, and having put so many of their eggs in the basket of unreliable renewables, they have made themselves dependent on Russian gas.

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The Great Climate Reset

Regrettably, New Zealand could be about to enter a phase of radical economic reform, justified by the Prime Minister’s desire to penalise our country through harsh new emission reduction targets, while the world's largest emitters carry on as usual with no imperatives to structurally change their economies.