Category: Guest Posts

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Too Intimidated to Speak Out?

Business owners affected by growing iwi control are too afraid to speak out or make formal submissions about DOC’s discriminatory practices, fearing it could cost them their livelihoods. And job applicants stand no chance if they can’t demonstrate total support for the obligatory Māori narrative.

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Supreme Court’s Rush to Judgment is a Constitutional Wake-up Call

A legislative response is both necessary and appropriate. Parliament is sovereign in our constitutional hierarchy. Courts gain their legitimacy from being impartial. When they insert themselves into policy debates or try to influence legislation, they risk undermining public confidence. They also undermine the rule of law by creating legal uncertainty.

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Maori Party Madness

The Treaty didn’t give Maori any special right to lord it over non-Maori. If they are worried about the declining educational and health status of too many young Maori they ought to start working out why this is the case. They’ll find it has nothing to do with colonialism, nor blood. Rather it is the result of years of their leadership overlooking sub-standard parenting among too many of those who choose to call themselves Maori.

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DOC Promotes Ancestral Privilege

DOC’s discussion document outlines a framework heavily weighted toward racial prioritising of iwi and hapu interests. Their stated commitment to engaging with iwi as "Treaty partners" highlights the co-governance philosophy that has been so rapidly undermining our democracy and economic productivity under recent governments.

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Bijural Law

Readers are excused if they do not know what this means. That is because it is an entirely new system of law for New Zealand advocated by Justice Christian Whata our latest judicial appointment to the Court of Appeal. The fact that it is practiced in no other country does not concern its advocates. It involve the merging of Maori tribal customs with the Common Law.

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A Treaty of Waitangi Constitution

Christmas and New Year! It is a time for relaxation and celebration; a time, too, to reflect on the past year, and wonder about and plan for the days to come. So let us gaze, if not into a crystal ball, at least into the clouds of the future.

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Enjoying the Foreshore

The Rule of Law requires that the legal principles relied on in any litigation must be certain, knowable in advance and applicable equally to all citizens. This introduction of notions of spirituality and ancient tribal practices for which there is no written record merely the recollections of claimants and their witnesses is the anthesis of a Rule of Law.

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Sovereignty in New Zealand

Parliament’s failure to assert Sovereignty on behalf of the people and put an end to this separatist race- based movement is the primary cause of the recent riot in Parliament by members of the Maori Party and their had picked acolytes in the Public Gallery.

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How New Zealand’s Parliament Became a Viral Laughingstock

The parliament in New Zealand descended into tribal Stone Age grunting on behalf of so-called indigenous rights. This is a preview of what our country could look like if we keep apologizing for our history…

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How Trump crushed Obama’s legacy  

It was long past midnight in Livingston, Montana, when Donald Trump finally stood up to address the nation as President-elect of the United States, having won the landslide victory that had eluded him in his successful run in 2016 and again in his re-election bid in 2020. This time, the American people had overwhelmingly voted for change.