Category: Guest Posts

Our small population size has fostered a social conformity that makes it hard to speak one’s mind. With two-degrees-of-separation, you cannot afford to burn bridges. And given our latent inferiority complex, we don’t publicly admit to our problems

I have just resigned from the Northland Regional Council on a matter of principle, over how ONE vote can change a century old system of electing our local decision makers. To alter the electoral system to introduce separate seats based on race without a poll being taken of the community is abhorrent.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Western civilisation and Western democratic values are under attack as never before in modern history. The breadth, intensity and viciousness of this attack is breathtaking.

Labour will be solely responsible for its achievements over the next three years, and fully accountable for its failures. Those who believe in the merits of a free market economy will have a historic opportunity to reaffirm the long-proven truth that the socialist ideal of a utopian society is a myth.

Arden would have you believe this is the Covid election. Collins would agree and say it is the Covid mismanagement election. But like all elections, it’s about the future you want.

Governments will need to remove the blinkers of self-interest and look to implement imaginative policies that are focused on the medium to long-term, rather than the toxic desire to hold onto power for three more years.

There are at least two grounds for concern about the New Zealand strategy. First, the people making decisions are the same ones who botched the preparation for the arrival of Covid-19 and so there is little reason to have faith in the wisdom of their choices...

The owners of the Huruhuru Authentic Leather shop removed their store’s Facebook page after being sent abusive messages, insults, and racist slurs but said they couldn’t afford to rename the store. The store had opened just a few weeks earlier...

The fundamental problem is the lack of capable political leadership to implement the necessary policies, and politicians’ strong preference for the personal rewards of being in power ahead of improving National living standards.

New Zealand is lauded as the perfect example of how to crush the virus, but would anyone be surprised if it too has to pay the price somewhere down the line? Four new cases locked down the 1.6 million inhabitants of Auckland in a monstrously excessive overreaction...