Category: Guest Posts

Local democracy may look like its working, but council rules of engagement virtually prohibit any public conflict of opinion between councillors. Codes of Conduct and the demand for “group speak” preclude vigorous debate. It is wrongly viewed that dissent around a council table is seen as dysfunctional. Nothing could be further from the truth. The ability to speak against and vote 'no' in the face of majority support is an all too rare attribute in politics.

What Maori nationalism seeks is a reversal of political fortunes: the creation of an Aotearoa-New Zealand in which Pakeha will no longer call the shots. A radical revision of New Zealand and, indeed, of global history, is crucial to achieving this political reversal.

When seventeen countries, the European Commission, and eight tech companies signed the “Christchurch Call” pledge in May, it was heralded as a triumph in the fight against the promulgation of violent extremist content online. The Call was led by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and French President Emmanuel Macron.

The whole climate change hypothesis is a mad, nightmarish cult in which an infantile view of the world, peddling ludicrous theories of imminent apocalypse which owe more to medieval millenarian sects than modern science, is being treated as unchallengeable wisdom by a lazy and credulous adult world that has stopped asking rational questions.

At the point the complainants went public, it would be an absolute no brainer. You have a choice of a scandal that affects your core brand involving the Labour leader, President, Finance Minister and NZ Council. Of course you get rid of the staffer.

There can be no doubt that British Royal Navy captain William Hobson is the founding father both of New Zealand as an independent sovereign nation and of Auckland as its greatest city. No other person has so singularly influenced the course of modern New Zealand history.

Cannabis advocates have followed the same playbook. They press for medical legalization, then argue for recreational use. Linking legalization to medical use has proven the crucial step. It encourages voters to think of marijuana as something other than an intoxicant.

New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions are around 0.17 percent of global emissions. Even if carbon dioxide and methane emissions reduced to zero the effect on climate change would be negligible. For all practical purposes, actions by New Zealand have no effect on climate.

The Reserve Bank's action says things are now more dire than they were during the Global Financial Crisis. This is in contrast to the buzz from the Beehive which is: 'Don't worry, be happy'!

No abuse or re-abuse of children is acceptable. But the facts show that family members and parents posed the greatest danger to these victims. This suggests that where the state primarily fails is in poor decision-making and monitoring of risk. Which calls into question whether the very best interests of the child are being put first and foremost.