Category: Guest Posts

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What Climate Catastrophe?

The warmers should be careful what they wish for. Already there is evidence that in adopting the idea of man-made global warming lives are being put at risk. Teenagers are being told that they have no future.

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Ihumātao reflects the Zeitgeist of 2019

The extraordinary Māori land protest at Ihumātao in Auckland is symbolic of our time. It is unlikely to have occurred, say, five years ago.

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Silicon Valley

The Silicon Valley environment is stimulating and rewarding, both financially and professionally. This attracts more smart, motivated young people. There is a whole ecosystem of skills and resources for new technology companies, especially computer hardware and software. And, rapidly growing companies mean more jobs.

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New Zealand’s Maori Child Welfare Problem

In Canada we have settled into a stagnant pattern on Indigenous issues. Indigenous advocates argue for the continuation of the separatist status quo, but with more money and power for themselves. The chiefs’ main concern is to keep the money flowing. No politician dares to publicly oppose this separatist, racialized dystopia, and expose it for the nonsense that it is.

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Slow progress on Marine and Coastal area claims

The claims process is an opportunistic attempt by Maori interests to gain control of what was previously regarded as public space for the benefit of everyone. I have no doubt the end goal is to securing a perpetual income stream from the granting of use rights to third parties.

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Something Else

We hear a lot about balance these days, especially as it applies to the media. Soon, no doubt, it will be a legal requirement, further eroding our freedom of expression. Things were not always thus.

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Rushed Housing & Development Authority Prioritises Maori Over All Other Kiwis

The thought of a super-powerful and unfettered, ‘race-based’ Authority rearranging our towns and cities, answerable only to the tribal elite, while providing risk-free investments for tribal businesses first and foremost, is most disturbing.

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It’s high time we took a breath from marijuana commercialization

I’m not sure the 55 percent of Coloradans who voted for commercialization in 2012 thought they were voting for all this.

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The Zero Carbon Bill will not reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The government's Zero Carbon Bill will lead to an increase in global emissions, higher electricity prices and do serious damage to many of our efficient and productive industries. The poor will suffer most.

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Budget 2019 - Rhetoric or Well-being?

Labour promised something special, but Budget 2019 delivered something quite ordinary. Those who believe governments should foster a vibrant economy will find nothing of real substance to applaud, while those who have been promised a transformational change in social policy will be left feeling they have been short-changed.