Category: Guest Posts
The Government has rejected the Tax Working Group’s recommendations for the introduction of a capital gains tax. One of the effects of such a capital gains tax would have been on economic growth. Economic growth is important as it is the source of increases over time in average incomes.
Make no mistake about it: The Indigenous policy that Canada has followed for the past couple of generations – namely giving ever more money and power to chiefs – has been an absolute and utter failure.
New Zealand has avoided many irreconcilable political fights over competing values. Now an ignorant generation are looking for ways to anger their opponents by deliberately kicking sleeping dogs - focusing on differences instead of shared values.
I find people like Ghahraman and Davidson almost as frightening as terrorists. They don’t kill anyone, but their power to change society is greater. They use the institutions of a liberal democracy to whittle away at the open society. They are, in their way, as totalitarian and intolerant of difference as any gun-toting fascist or jihadist.
It’s a narrative of self-loathing that wants us to think the worst of ourselves, that shamelessly seeks to politicise the killings and create a moral panic in the hope not only that we’ll tighten the gun ownership laws but far more ominously, that we might be persuaded to discard such democratic niceties as freedom of speech.
New Zealand has tragically lost its innocence. We are not so much in a state of shock but in a state of profound sorrow. How could praying, innocent men, women and children, be mowed down in such a barbarous manner, with no regard for life?
Clearly this vital and intelligent young woman, our Prime Minister, has simply never read let alone made any attempt to understand the Treaty of Waitangi. It must follow that she is unaware of any of the jurisprudence surrounding it’s the lawful interpretation.
Fairness has been talked about a lot lately, by the government. It appears to be justifying everything by saying "it's the fair thing to do". Fairness has replaced housing affordability as the primary justification for the government wanting to introduce a capital gains tax
There is no evidence the that “the rich are getting richer”, that the highest income earners are increasing their income share. Similarly, there is no evidence that “the poor are getting poorer”. The extremes are not diverging.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t officially started her first term in office, but she’s already pushing a massive, far-left proposal that would fundamentally transform much of the economy and push the country closer than ever to socialism.