Category: Guest Posts

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Welfare: Violence made viable

Lots of people survive courtesy of a benefit. They do so because they are too sick to work, can't find a job, have children who need feeding with no other source of income, and so on. There are a myriad of reasons why people receive welfare. Most of these people - 300,000 or thereabouts - are not violent. The same can be said of the general population.

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Sir Ronald Davison, CMG, GBE, QC. Chief Justice of NZ 1978 -1989.

Sir Ronald Davison died recently at his home in Auckland. He passed away as quietly as he had lived. It is well said the “the good men do is oft interred with their bones” and that has a special significance to the passing of Sir Ronald Davison, a man who had occupied the highest Judicial office the law has to offer but lived his life with a minimum of fuss and pomp.

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Our Flag

Patriotism. Where has that been in all this debate? Is it an outdated concept now? The love of ones country. I think patriotism is a step beyond our self-conscious and self-important talk of ‘identity’. It is love for something else, not the quest for self-discovery. It is certainly far more than the ‘branding’ which the Prime Minister regularly speaks of.

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Serco in need of some Churchillian diplomacy

As Serco is hoping to expand its operations in New Zealand it is important to ascertain whether its problems at the Mt Eden Corrections Facility are a one-off or whether it has a history of contract problems.

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It’s great to be here at this outstanding school, Ninestiles School. Your inspiring teachers and your commitment to British values means you are not just achieving outstanding academic success, but you are building a shared community where children of many faiths and backgrounds learn not just with each other, but from each other too.

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The case against HB amalgamation

Readers in Hawke’s Bay will soon vote on a proposed five-council amalgamation while readers elsewhere would know of similar proposals for the Wellington region and Northland. This is the case against the Hawke’s Bay proposal that will be voted on from August 24.

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Is the PM10 Air Quality Standard fit for purpose?

Last year, the Ministry for the Environment and the Government Statistician produced a report purporting to show how reducing concentrations of fine particles (PM 10) in the air had improved public health. In March this year the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment commented on this report.

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Prosecuting Sonny Tau

I am pleased to hear that the Department of Conservation is prosecuting Sonny Tau, big man in Northland’s Nga Puhi, for the possession and indeed, so I understand, for the killing of five native wood pigeon or kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae).

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Set our schools free to help students excel

The reality is that increased funding during the past 20 to 30 years, in Australia and overseas, has not led to stronger outcomes. What is required is a new model of schooling based on the right balance between competition, choice, autonomy and accountability.

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Free trade, protectionism and the TPP 

The Trans‐Pacific Partnership has again been in the news, this time because initially President Obama was unable to get Congress to give him authority to fast track negotiations because of revolt within his own party but now because he appears to have overcome that difficulty in the House of Representatives although there is still doubt as to whether the Senate will approve the measure.