Category: Guest Posts

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The Terrorist Threat

There can be few New Zealanders who have been following the news over the last few months, who do not know that there are persons out there, beyond our borders, who mean us ill. They have been variously described as ‘Islamic extremists’, ‘jihadists’, terrorists, ISIS militants, and, in the Middle East, they have been responsible for a positive tsunami of atrocity.

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The Failure of Ngai Tahu holdings Corporation as a "Charitable" Entity

Ngai Tahu have taken advantage of the income tax legislation and charity law to grow the settlement to the point which must raise questions about the privilege of the exemption from income tax being granted to limited liability companies.

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Pioneer Spirit Alive and Well

The drop in the Global Dairy Trade auction price, and the subsequent decrease in Fonterra’s forecast to farmers, puts the average dairy farmer in the Waikato under the poverty line.

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A warning from Canada

I am pleased to respond to an invitation from Dr. Muriel Newman to provide some of my thoughts on the Indian rights revolution occurring in Canada, and its negative effects on Canadian Crown sovereignty, the rule of law, the Canadian economy and race relations generally between Canadian Indians and the rest of Canadians.

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ELECTION 2014 - the winners and losers

The votes are in. While politicians spin the results, the numbers tell the story. So who won? Who lost? And why? National is celebrating an historic victory; Labour has the knives out for David Cunliffe; and Hone Harawira is still in a state of shock.

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ELECTION 2014: Where to with welfare?

In the last six years National has done more to address working-age welfare dependence than Labour did in the prior nine. However their reforms shouldn't be overcooked. Describing them as a "useful start" in his recent autobiography, Don Brash was spot on.

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Hikois from hell

One of the most disturbing comments made by any politician in the election campaign so far was the comment by John Key when he said that, though abolition of separate Maori electorates is National Party policy, he had no plan to abolish them because such a move would provoke “hikois from hell”.

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Poverty, wealth, and the election

Dirty politics from the Left during the current New Zealand general election campaign obscures policy at a time when the issue of wealth or poverty and how to get there should be critical.

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Key govt’s $1.2b treaty settlements record

The current National-led government has been by far the most generous with treaty settlements, having paid out $1.22-billion over six years, and is pushing for as many signed agreements as possible before the September 20 election.

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Serious Constitutional Issues Need Rethinking

The trouble with referendums is they inevitably must focus on single or particular issues, or specific aspects of issues, and don’t, and can’t, in their “yes or no” message, weigh the issues adequately in the wider context of society’s broad present welfare, or likely future needs.