Category: Guest Posts

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Treaty of Waitangi

Sir Apirana Ngata wrote his explanation of the Maori version of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1922, when he was an MP. That was in the days before activists started re-inventing the Treaty. The booklet was published and distributed to all Maori families. You can read it here.

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Living under tribal rule

With equality there would be no Maori roll, no Maori seats in parliament, no Maori wards in local government, no Waitangi Tribunal, no Treaty settlements, no separate schools and hospitals, no co-governance, no Three Waters.  We could simply settle down and live together.

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Karl’s Marks

New Zealand stands on the abyss of a Marxist inspired racially divided future and four more years of this government will be all it takes to realise that dream...

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Mainstream journalists smell blood in the water

2023 looks like it will be brutal for Labour: As 2022 draws to a close, it appears that the media has identified Jacinda Ardern’s government as critically injured and are sharpening their steel for slaughter in election year.

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Eroding Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression isn’t only threatened by obvious strongmen – like the rulers of Nigeria or the theocratic leaders of Iran. Ms. Ardern’s UN speech exposed the iron fist of authoritarianism that lurks within the velvet glove of liberal kindness.

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Constitutional Double Dealing

In the Westminster system of government the King in Parliament is sovereign, and no government of the day can bind the hands of its successor. This is constitutional Law 101.

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The Three Waters Lie – democracy the loser

Three Waters is an appalling work of political manipulation and misinformation. It exemplifies what’s so bad about the 2020 Labour government. It also explains why there is such derision and hostility towards Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta in particular.

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Climate Revelations

A series of four articles analysing the announcement by the UN that has shocked climate alarmists: This Changes Everything!; The News Story of the Year!; Is 2.5°C Close Enough?; and The overdue retraction of a giant lie...

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The Future of Local Government in NZ

In simple language, the terms of reference require the panel to reform local government in a way that is consistent with the wishes of central government. Reforming local government in the way recommended in the Future for Local Government report would be a giant leap forward for the government in achieving its He Puapua strategy.

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The Peter Ellis Decision

A virus has been allowed to infect the common law and it has unknowable and unpredictable consequences. We can no longer refer to the common law because it no longer is common to all New Zealanders. Unless the courts and the law command widespread community acceptance by its impartiality and universal application the door is open to anarchy.