Category: Health

The pressure to get vaccinated and a lack of information about the risks, strike at the heart of the controversy over the Pfizer vaccine. Has political pressure to achieve the PM’s vaccination goals led to widespread coercion – resulting in New Zealanders not being adequately informed about vaccine risks?

The last eight months have seen 3,000 more deaths than expected – an unfolding disaster. Over 1,000 are unrelated to COVID-19. Health authorities and politicians should face more scrutiny over the causes of these unexplained excess deaths - especially as they are concentrated in age groups eligible for boosters.

While Stuff may think it’s acceptable for their journalists to harass and bully members of the public, it certainly is not acceptable behaviour in the UK, where newspaper editors are expected to adhere to an ‘Editor’s Code of Practice’, which protects the public against aggressive and intimidating journalists.

Given Jacinda Ardern's dismal track record of policy failure, with the housing merger, the polytech merger and the health board merger all turning into disasters, how can New Zealanders possibly have faith that Labour’s plan to centralise council-run water services into mega bureaucracies controlled by iwi is going to work out well?

Both Boris Johnson and Jacinda Ardern have suffered a loss of public trust and confidence in their leadership. For the former British Prime Minister, it was largely the result of a series of missteps, while for our ideologically-driven Prime Minister, government incompetence is largely to blame.

The Ardern Government’s response to the Covid pandemic has been unprecedented in the history of our country and the harm inflicted is of unparalleled proportions. It’s simply not good enough that those who have been negatively impacted are just ignored and forgotten. They are victims of Government action, and their concerns should be heard.

Overseas health professionals have called for booster vaccinations to be discontinued for safety reasons. A comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of the COVID-19 booster rollout should be conducted: Given that over 2.5 million booster doses have been administered, this amounts to over 400 excess deaths.

There is a widespread public misunderstanding about the testing the vaccines underwent in the pivotal trials underpinning their approval, with over 95 percent of New Zealand’s voting-age public believing that the vaccines were tested against more demanding criteria than was actually the case.

Labour needed a circuit breaker to arrest its decline in the polls and regain control of the political narrative. But turning the country into a nation of beneficiaries is not the answer!

The Labour Party will not thank Robertson if they are still too close to National in the polls next Budget and he has no money to spend. Prudence can have a price in politics