Category: Health

The ideological call for “diversity” - embraced by the Public Service’s supposedly politically neutral agencies - is now undermining the traditional objective of hiring ‘the best person for the job’, which has long been the foundation of human progress.

So how on earth have we reached this point in time where democracy is being undermined by our own Government through a bizarre attempt to transfer democratic power and public resources from all New Zealanders to representatives of billion-dollar tribal business development corporations that pay little or no tax?

Increasingly it feels there is nowhere to turn for the truth. All too often, mainstream media are seen as puppets on a string. ‘Influencers’ are being paid by central government to push its narrative. So-called ‘independent’ experts are given ‘favoured person’ status and showered with attention they wouldn’t otherwise enjoy. And social media giants - born out of the desire for free speech - are coming under increasing pressure to back government narratives.

There has been what appears to be an attempt to bury a potentially explosive backdown on the Maori health veto by the Government with the release of a Select Committee report just hours before the Easter shutdown and the beginning of a two-week Parliamentary recess. This points to the Government getting spooked by the growing debate over Maori co-governance.

Let's be very clear about what the effects of these health reforms will be. The iwi elite will control our health system through a veto right. That means the leaders of multi-billion-dollar private business development corporations will control New Zealand’s health system, and public funds will be allocated on the basis of race.

In this paper Dr Lawrie Knight outlines evidence as to why claims that Maori disparity in health are being caused by systemic racism in the health system are factually wrong, and why continuing with this accusation is preventing the real reasons for the poor health of Māori being clearly identified.

The political elite in Wellington have misjudged the situation by maligning and dismissing the protesters. Their misrepresentation of those who are standing up for what they believe, will simply harden their resolve, and result in more good Kiwis like Sir Russell Coutts going to Wellington to support a movement that is aimed at ending forced vaccinations and restoring human rights, dignity, and the freedom of choice for New Zealanders.

The loss of freedoms across all of society during the pandemic, specifically lockdowns; shackling, if you will, of healthy people, is unparalleled in human history. Heretofore only infected and contagious people, slaves and criminals, were so shackled. Lockdowns make no sense because they don’t work to stem deaths and cause untold suffering. Untold is the word. As yet there has been no accounting of the suffering. However, it has been massive...

New Zealanders are under siege as Jacinda Ardern’s authoritarianism and deceit threatens our freedom and liberty, divides our families, imposes cruel and unnecessary mandates, and through her obsessive promotion of Maori supremacy – to appease greedy rent-seekers – she is now undermining the Rule of Law and Democracy itself.

The electorate’s love affair with Jacinda Ardern is over. In spite of pro-government media and intense propaganda, New Zealanders are recognising just how incompetent and dangerous her Government really is.