Category: Health

What has been described as a “covert 20-year plan to establish Maori sovereignty” is now being rolled out by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern under the guise of a blueprint for the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

In reality the Government is clearly struggling to keep us safe. They must know their propaganda will only work for so long, and that even with the press in their pocket, the finger of blame will eventually turn onto them.

The mask-wearing mandate does come from a risk-based approach to decision-making – but where the risk concerned is a political one and not a Covid-19 related one. The constituency being protected is the government, and not the population of New Zealand.

The Maori Sovereignty Movement wants to reclaim control of New Zealand through biculturalism, return all land to Maori, impose Maori culture onto the country, ensure the Maori language dominates, and redesign the country’s institutions to prioritise Maori.

There is something genuinely nauseating about the witch hunt that removed Grainne Moss from the head of this state entity. Naida Glavish salivating on TV about her exit; the sight of those middle-class Maori Dames fulminating against a Pakeha trying to do the right thing...

The Prime Minister needs to step up and not only accept responsibility for this MIQ failure, but demonstrate that her administration is indeed up to the job of properly protecting our borders and keeping New Zealand safe.

The government finally released the Simpson-Roche report detailing the failures that led to August’s Covid outbreak in Auckland. Some of the failures, like inadequate testing regimes for MIQ staff and border workers, were entirely preventable.

This result is a bombshell. Essentially it means the huge sacrifices New Zealanders made during the lockdown had little impact on the virus because it was imposed after our infections had peaked - Labour’s response was too late!

There are at least two grounds for concern about the New Zealand strategy. First, the people making decisions are the same ones who botched the preparation for the arrival of Covid-19 and so there is little reason to have faith in the wisdom of their choices...

To date our politicians have not explained how they think New Zealand can “live” with Covid-19. Most seem to think a vaccine will ‘save’ us, but with few experts suggesting that is realistic, we await their policy releases with interest!