Category: imported_guest

In New Zealand in 2022, we are witnessing a coup designed to dismantle our democracy and the Rule of law and replace it with the worst form of tribalism coupled with the greed of those who want what they have not earned. Well, the gloves are off and more and more New Zealanders are waking up to the need to protect all that we hold dear in our way of life.

What we have seen is false advertising and orchestrated ‘news’ items on mainstream media to promote a perception that there is a need for reform. We have been given false assurances that the councils will retain ‘ownership’ of their water assets despite councils having no benefits of ownership and a report prepared by the Internal Affairs Department for Standard & Poors admitting water entities will have “limited Local Authority oversight”.

There is a widespread public misunderstanding about the testing the vaccines underwent in the pivotal trials underpinning their approval, with over 95 percent of New Zealand’s voting-age public believing that the vaccines were tested against more demanding criteria than was actually the case.

It is beyond question that nothing in the case suggests that the Treaty in any way creates a partnership between Maoris and The Crown or brings into question the legitimacy of our democracy. To argue the contrary on the basis of this court case is either ignorant or wilfully dishonest.

The Labour Party will not thank Robertson if they are still too close to National in the polls next Budget and he has no money to spend. Prudence can have a price in politics

One crusade pursued by the Ministry for Women, using tax-payer resources, was to get more women on corporate boards. This is part of a global movement that has seen the introduction of quotas introduced in some nations.

It looks like the Minister of Maori Development Willie Jackson has just visited the next stop on the He Puapua roadmap to achieve, by 2040, two overlapping governments in New Zealand, one for Maori and the other for everyone else. While doing so, he is denying that the He Puapua plan is the plan.

The other alternative to democracy and the free-market system and one gaining a lot of airtime among the “intelligentsia” in New Zealand is that of tribal control of the means of production and exchange whereby each tribe owns and controls its own assets and, human nature being what it is defends them from the covetous eyes of its neighbours.

There has been what appears to be an attempt to bury a potentially explosive backdown on the Maori health veto by the Government with the release of a Select Committee report just hours before the Easter shutdown and the beginning of a two-week Parliamentary recess. This points to the Government getting spooked by the growing debate over Maori co-governance.

The Labour Government has surrendered to a terrible temptation. The glittering prize of perpetual power has swept away their traditional respect for constitutional conventions, their political ethics, and even their commonsense.