Category: imported_guest

Since Labour came to power in 2017 the number of people relying on welfare has grown significantly, as has the time people spend dependent. This development is due to both political ideology and political incompetence.

In this paper Dr Lawrie Knight outlines evidence as to why claims that Maori disparity in health are being caused by systemic racism in the health system are factually wrong, and why continuing with this accusation is preventing the real reasons for the poor health of Māori being clearly identified.

The Government has delayed the introduction of its fraught hate speech law reforms, and there’s strong speculation they’ll remain on ice until after the next election. In fact, they may never see the light of day again.

This current government has been much criticised for its lack of transparency, and its reliance upon an army of recently-appointed spin-doctors. It clearly believes that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste” and knows that there will never again be such an all-concealing cloak as the Covid-19 pandemic.

Through their unhinged obsession with “climate change,” America, Britain and Europe have handed Putin his greatest weapon against them. In their determination to reduce carbon emissions by turning against fossil fuels, and having put so many of their eggs in the basket of unreliable renewables, they have made themselves dependent on Russian gas.

I will tell you what I think of most of these politicians and bureaucrats. As individuals, they may be nice enough; but collectively, they are lying, treacherous, arrogant, power-hungry, anti-democratic, environmentally heedless racist scum.

The loss of freedoms across all of society during the pandemic, specifically lockdowns; shackling, if you will, of healthy people, is unparalleled in human history. Heretofore only infected and contagious people, slaves and criminals, were so shackled. Lockdowns make no sense because they don’t work to stem deaths and cause untold suffering. Untold is the word. As yet there has been no accounting of the suffering. However, it has been massive...

The study of global climate fluctuations over millions of years shows there are other massive forces controlling global climate and that the role of man-made CO2 emissions is so incredibly minute as to be almost negligible. The true reality is, “There is no climate emergency” there never has been and to say CO2 is a pollutant is fraudulent in the extreme.

The government faces a tough year because it is locked into promoting major changes whose public interest justification is thin and whose nature is polarising. For opposition parties, this is an opportunity. For those who care about public policy, it is a train wreck.

The fundamental goal of Marxism remains the same, to destabilize existing democratic societies and substitute a new power elite which is the complete antithesis of the basic human yearning for personal freedom and participation of the masses in the governing of society. My case: nascent Marxism is alive and well in New Zealand...