Category: imported_guest

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Colonisation by a nation of shop keepers

"Colonisation by a nation of shopkeepers". So said Napoleon Bonaparte of the English, and as with many things he was close to the truth. He meant it as an insult of course but found to his dismay as did the Kaiser and Hitler that when poked with a big enough stick the shop keepers had a nasty bite.

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Why is the Government brainwashing our children?

The entire document is couched in the language of climate campaigners rather than that of scientists. It is a trashy and hopelessly unbalanced catechism of all the fashionable pseudoscience. It is pure propaganda, in the very best Goebbels tradition.

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A Better Way for New Zealand

The current welfare system has failed the people of New Zealand and led to too much inequality. We need to move away from the current welfare system of tax and spend via government-owned institutions to a system based on individual choice, competition, and personal savings...

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Reforms to restore prisoners' mana

One of the “key outcomes” of the new prison strategy was to humanise and heal inmates, the Minister of Corrections Kelvin Davis said. “An important part of that involves staff treating people with respect and dignity to uphold their mana.”

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New Zealand - the need for change

The only effective safeguard for ordinary people is the ability to make a free personal choice among competing suppliers whose livelihood depends on satisfying the final consumer. Dedication to that principle from 1984 onwards is what places that Labour government squarely in the established Labour tradition of putting the needs of the common people first.

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Firearms law changes – Royal Commission

The Commission’s work is vital. How a free society deals with the terrorism threat is serious everywhere. If the Commission can give us a report that counters current political temptations to whip up the fever, it should have all the time it needs. Many societies have been blighted, and ultimately undone, by leadership willing to exploit tragedies and panics and attacks, to distract their people.

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Meng Foon shares his thoughts on criticism of the treaty

The Race Relations Commissioner demanded Andrew Hollis’s immediate resignation after posting on social media the Treaty is “a joke”. Point of Order sought clarification about the implications for the freedom of speech which should be cherished in a healthy democracy.

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Justice Minister seriously compromised on referendum votes

Looks like Andrew Little has already dug himself into a hole over his hare-brained scheme to monitor, and somehow regulate, our views and opinions next year when it comes to votes on weed, euthanasia and the government itself.

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Carbon zero bill will derail our economy and wellbeing 

The Climate Change amendment (zero carbon) bill which will have major implications to our way of life is being rushed through Parliament and watching it progress is as horrifying as watching a train wreck in slow motion.

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The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

It isn't at all clear to me what this brave new world of bigger benefits with no strings attached is going to do for children. Money can't buy love. In fact unconditional money finances lifestyles that are not conducive to happy and safe childhoods.