Category: imported_guest

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Climate Change Mitigation in New Zealand - the Stifling of Debate

This paper is in three sections. The first is a paper I wrote examining claims made by the Royal Society of New Zealand in 2016 on transitioning New Zealand to a low carbon economy. The second is the correspondence with the editor of the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The third deals with the editor of the Journal of New Zealand Studies. While the referees thought the approach to the research was to be lauded, they could not agree with the results, and used the old ruse of nit-picking instead of unravelling the substantive arguments...

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Ngai Tahu’s tax exempt charitable status

It is well known that today Ngai Tahu is a billion-dollar plus entity, and growing.  Ngai Tahu claim that they are under “attack ... led by “fiscal conservatives who attribute our remarkable success to not paying tax.”  In this Ngai Tahu are wrong on two points. 

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UN Member States: Migration Is a Human Right

The United Nations, in a non-binding agreement that almost all UN member states will sign at a ceremony in Morocco in early December, is making migration a human right. The agreement propagates the radical idea that migration - for any reason - is something that needs to be promoted, enabled and protected.

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Feel-Good Bans on Plastic Bags Don’t Help the Ocean

Referring to plastic grocery bags as “single use” is almost certainly a misnomer. Consumers in jurisdictions with bans who reused the grocery bags to line their household trash cans, pack lunches, or even pick up their dog’s poop most often have little choice but to purchase significantly higher-density plastic bags for these purposes.

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High rise rents and housing costs

This really points to the absurdity of the KiwiBuild scheme. It will not help a low income household at all - even “cost” price is too great, so those who are not on a wage on a par with a student doctor and IT expert will have to continue to rent and pay more as rents rise, thanks to all of the new rental-housing related regulations that the Government is bringing in

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Micronationalism and democracy don’t mix

It strikes me as axiomatic that a fully-fledged democracy entails the application of democratic principles, based on equality before the law, at all levels of governance. It is this maxim, once infused into the public psyche, that underpins the spirit of democracy.

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Carbon Dioxide is a “Short Lived“ Gas

Much has been written recently about the misrepresentation of the effectiveness of methane as a Greenhouse Gas (GHG).  Our paper published in The Journal, the official publication of the New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management in September concludes that methane is irrelevant as a GHG and so is nitrous oxide. 

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Balance of power in American voters' hands

It would be a huge mistake to believe that most Americans are obsessed with President Donald Trump and the ongoing drama in the nation's capital. Most Americans get on with life and are usually more interested in local matters.

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Interventionist judges

"I swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Her heirs and successors, according to law, in the office of Judge and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of New Zealand, without fear or favour, affection or ill will. So help me God." This is the Oath of Office taken by all Judges.

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Seven Maori seats are obsolete

The seven Maori seats in Parliament should be scrapped. The need for them has long passed. The seats have become redundant; other than a political crutch for Labour, they serve no purpose and rather than entrenching them, Parliament should be doing away with them.