Category: imported_guest

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Capitalism cowed: The Craggy Range backdown

Let me see if I’ve got this straight. The Hawke’s Bay winery Craggy Range spent $300,000 creating a walking track up the eastern side of Te Mata Peak. It owned the land and did everything by the book. It was only after the track had been built that people started objecting. 

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Paying the Pipers

According to the Dominion Post, April 25, " ...the Government is setting up a welfare overhaul 'expert advisory group' supported by a secretariat of officials from different departments." Labour has promised the Greens an overhaul. The ghost of Metiria Turei hovers.

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The Mating Game and #MeToo

My parents met during “the dirty thirties,” depression years, when life was tough. They were both teachers in small schools on the prairies. My father was older than my mother, and after a brief courtship they married.

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Maori Myths & Legends: LGNZ conspiracy against local democracy

LGNZ is engaged in a power grab.  It wants to ensure its members are not subject to public polls concerning Maori wards/constituencies.  The reason for this is that LGNZ supports race-based Maori wards/constituencies and wants its members to be able to impose them unchecked

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Political Roundup: Greens go red

The Green Party membership have voted resoundingly to take the party in a more left-wing direction by selecting Marama Davidson as the new co-leader. That’s the consensus amongst commentators analysing the announcement.

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Ratepayers Fight Council Racism

The Western Bay of Plenty District Council is divided into three wards for electoral purposes. However, in November 2017, Councillors voted - with nine votes in favour and three opposed - to establish additional race-based wards, which would guarantee seats for Maori.

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Questions and answers on Curran and Hirschfeld

It is very unwise for the Minister of Broadcasting to have breakfast with the head of news for Radio New Zealand – especially as the Minister is proposing to give Radio New Zealand millions more in funding.

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Is New Zealand exempt from climate change?

In economic terms, New Zealand’s isolation has long been seen as a major handicap. But in terms of ‘climate change’ alarm, isolation is proving to be its greatest asset.

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The Future of Tax

Those who expect the Working Group to produce a comprehensive and impartial review of our tax system will be disappointed. It's not that kind of project. The Group's role is to provide options within the government’s agenda.

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The Future of Electricity Supplies in New Zealand

The New Zealand electricity market has given us ever increasing prices and there is an increasing risk that a dry hydro year could lead to extremely high prices and blackouts. Major changes to the industry are needed – and quickly.