Category: imported_guest

Our family law system has the characteristics of a cultural and ideological war, where the ‘facts’ too often have the properties of propaganda and policy is seemingly developed politically rather than by sound social research. We urgently need a total change of direction.

The approach by successive governments to Maori economic development is a triumph of hope over understanding and experience. More darkly, it’s the triumph of politics over what is good and just.

The key question asked by many educators and policy makers alike is, how did students in Singapore managed to perform well in both the PISA and TIMSS? What are some possible success factors? To excel in these internationally benchmarked assessments, students have to demonstrate knowledge and additionally, they have to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge well to solve real-life problems. How did this happen?

NZCPR readers must urgently contact their members of Parliament to protest over the racist ambush sprung on New Zealand by the National government in cahoots with the Maori Party under the guidance of Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith.

I’ve been sent an astonishing memo to caucus from the unfortunate Minister now carrying this Bill. In my opinion it treats caucus with contempt. My corrections to it are set out below...

I read with great irony recently that scientists are “frantically copying U.S. Climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump”. As a climate scientist formerly responsible for NOAA’s climate archive, the most critical issue in archival of climate data is actually scientists who are unwilling to formally archive and document their data.

Apocryphally, in 1770, the French writer and provocateur François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) wrote to a French priest, “Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write."

I have decided to chance my arm on predicting what will happen in 2017. Before doing so however a word about the media, pollsters, elites, and experts, because overwhelmingly the public’s views on matters of public interest are conditioned by these entities.

The common image of charities is of benevolent institutions doing good in a quiet way for generally people or animals who need help. The reality is not quite like that. Today in Britain charities are big business and often pay big salaries.

I write in some distress as it appears MPI is determined to close me down with their excessive demands for repeat testing of raw milk, immature cheese curd and final product testing of Cwmglyn mature raw hard cheese.