Category: imported_weekly

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The Demise of the Paris Agreement

International commitment to the United Nations Paris Agreement is crumbling. Governments around the world are either rejecting or reducing their climate targets because the cost of compliance is so high they cannot be achieved without sacrificing living standards.

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The Consequences of Appeasement

New Zealand is now reaping the consequences of the misguided appeasement strategy adopted by successive governments when dealing with the radical demands of Maori leaders. They have bent over backwards apologising and kowtowing to these activists, even though their subversive plans for tribal rule threaten our democracy.

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Parliamentary Sovereignty Hangs in the Balance

If the Coalition refuses to honour its election pledge to amend the Marine and Coast Area Act to deliver what Parliament intended instead of what activist judges have ruled, our coast will end up in the hands of hundreds of tribal groups, who, at the stroke of a pen, could sign lucrative deals with China to exploit the invaluable mineral wealth in our seabed.

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Waitangi Day 2025

As we reflect on 185 years since the signing of the Treaty, we need to recognise that national unity and pride in our country are being undermined by tribal leaders. Driven by greed and self-interest, they are sabotaging race relations to destabilise society so they can seize control of the country. The sooner race and ethnicity are eliminated from our Statutes, the sooner they can no longer be used as weapons to divide and conquer New Zealand.

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A New Era Begins

President Trump acknowledged the Inauguration was held on Martin Luther King Day: “In his honour, we will strive together to make his dream a reality” and he pledged: “We will forge a society that is colour blind and merit based.” That's essentially what our Coalition promised, but while they have made good progress, they still have a long way to go.

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State of the Nation 2025

Many State institutions have been captured by radicals, through their biased reporting the mainstream media poisons the public’s mind against the new Government, and tribal leaders continue their lust for power, assisted not only by the public sector and the media, but also by the Courts. That is the reality of New Zealand in 2025.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It’s been a busy year for the NZCPR. We have achieved a great deal - but only thanks to your support. Our mission to inform public opinion, influence decision-makers and help to shape the future direction of New Zealand has never been more important.

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Supreme Court Activism

While some claim the Supreme Court’s judgement was a major victory that would somehow make all the problems with the claims process go away, nothing could be further from the truth. Its decision has made a bad situation even worse by essentially pronouncing that “tikanga” should be at the heart of all decision-making over the claims process.

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Capturing a Country

The former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her Labour government made things much worse: through an act of the gross betrayal they implemented the secret He Puapua agenda of radicalised Maori, weaponising State institutions to deliver sovereignty goals.

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Treaty Principles Debate

Concerns about Treaty principles escalated when the former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern began imposing her secret He Puapua agenda onto the country to give the unaccountable representatives of multi-million-dollar tribal business corporations, power over our lives.