Category: imported_weekly

It is traditional to start a new year with a stock-take of the state of the nation. We are now in the middle year of Labour’s three-year Parliamentary term of absolute power. While Jacinda Ardern claims she runs an open and transparent government, we now know that is a lie. Her election-night promise to govern for all New Zealanders, was also a lie...

On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research I would like to say a huge thank you for your on-going interest and wonderful support over the last 12 months - and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

Without a doubt, Three Waters has become a major battleground between the Government, attempting to elevate iwi into a permanent ruling class, and Kiwis fighting to defend ratepayer rights, democracy, and our way of life.

Let’s be clear: health, to Jacinda Ardern, is less important than her political ambition of embedding Labour's Maori partnership agenda into all levels of government - while she has the unbridled power of an absolute electoral majority.

And that in a nutshell is the fatal flaw with tribal co-governance. It’s an arrangement that replaces democratic accountability with authoritarian rule by a tribal elite that cares little for the public good, and acts in their own best interest.

With vaccinated Aucklanders able to spread the virus, Jacinda Ardern’s strategy will result in a surge in Delta cases. The Minister of Health expects up to 16,000 cases a week in January, with 800 in need of hospital care.

Regrettably, New Zealand could be about to enter a phase of radical economic reform, justified by the Prime Minister’s desire to penalise our country through harsh new emission reduction targets, while the world's largest emitters carry on as usual with no imperatives to structurally change their economies.

You are trampling over the basic human rights of New Zealanders with socialist jack boots. This is not the New Zealand way. We feel betrayed us, and we have lost trust in your Government. That’s why we don’t love you anymore, Jacinda – and why you should resign.

Under the traffic light system, Jacinda Ardern will take the ‘blame game’ to new heights by dividing New Zealand into two classes of citizens - the vaccinated with superior rights and freedoms, and unvaccinated, relegated to second-class status in their own country.

Tribalism is insidious and destructive. It divides families and communities, and it is dividing our nation. It’s also a class system that enriches the iwi elite, while leaving the most vulnerable mired in disadvantage.