Category: imported_weekly

It seems astonishing that the Ministry of Education is allowing academics who subscribe to the radical view that science has been used as a weapon of colonisation and a tool for the suppression of Maori knowledge to drive curriculum development.

As a representative democracy founded on the principle of equal rights, it is abhorrent that Labour is destroying that culture through the 50:50 co-governance requirement of the Three Waters proposal. Imposed without warning or electoral mandate, the total upheaval of water services in New Zealand - designed to deliver control to Maori - is He Puapua in action.

All councils should urgently hold a binding referendum of the residents and ratepayers they were elected to represent, to ask whether they want their assets transferred to central government without compensation, so control of water can be passed to iwi.

On election night, Jacinda Ardern promised she would govern for “all New Zealanders”. It is unacceptable that she has allowed the racial extremism of her Maori Caucus to dominate the Labour Party. It’s time the moderates within Labour took back control since mainstream New Zealanders are horrified by the separatism and division.

What the Prime Minister doesn’t seem to understand is that threatening people so they are afraid to speak up will not create the socialist utopia she is planning for New Zealand. Instead, by imposing State control over free speech she is practicing totalitarianism.

A slow-moving coup is underway in New Zealand. Unlike most coups, the transfer of power through non-democratic means that’s taking place is being orchestrated by the Prime Minister.

Jacinda Ardern understands only too well that panic and fear are powerful instruments of political control. By creating widespread alarm that climate change is an emergency or a life or death crisis, she is clearing the way to transform New Zealand into a socialist state - with her firmly in control.

If Labour supporters really understood the threat to democracy the PM’s separatist agenda represents and the divided society it would create, their opposition and sense of betrayal would intensify. On this issue, we the majority have the mandate – Jacinda Ardern does not.

New Zealand’s majority Labour Government is enacting a strategy to replace democracy with tribal rule by 2040 - without the consent of the public. By deliberately concealing her He Puapua agenda for tribal co-governance from voters during the election campaign, Jacinda Ardern has knowingly orchestrated an illegitimate abuse of power.

To be effective, welfare policy should have incentives to transition beneficiaries into work. But New Zealand has long lagged behind best practice - as the current situation, where well over 200,000 able-bodied people are on benefits at a time when the country is crying out for workers, demonstrates only too clearly.