Category: imported_weekly

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The End of Democracy

Without any mandate from New Zealanders, the Ardern Government has decided to turn this symbolic Indigenous Rights Declaration into an action plan for our country. Her ultimate goal is to elevate Maori tribal leaders to the status of a ruling aristocracy. Representing 15 percent of the population, they will exercise 50 percent of the Government’s decision-making power and control the vast economic resources that would accompany such a role.

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Labour's Housing Bombshell

Treasury and the IRD advised against extending the bright-line test and removing interest deductibility for rental property investors. That’s why Labour’s housing bombshell is so dangerous – it creates uncertainty when the economy is already under serious threat.

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The Final Step to Separatism

The Prime Minister intends embedding the objectives of the highly controversial UN Indigenous Rights Declaration into our legal and regulatory framework - a dreadful act of betrayal that will deliver control of NZ to the tribal elite in the final step to separatism.

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A Slippery Slide to Totalitarianism

If those speaking out against such radicalism as religious fundamentalism, feminist extremism, or Maori supremacy are muzzled for their efforts and thrown in jail, New Zealand really would be on a slippery slope to totalitarianism.

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Propaganda Rules

In reality the Government is clearly struggling to keep us safe. They must know their propaganda will only work for so long, and that even with the press in their pocket, the finger of blame will eventually turn onto them.

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The Corruption of Democracy

The Maori Sovereignty Movement wants to reclaim control of New Zealand through biculturalism, return all land to Maori, impose Maori culture onto the country, ensure the Maori language dominates, and redesign the country’s institutions to prioritise Maori.

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The Failed Ideology of Cultural Marxism

It’s not colonisation and racism that is holding back disadvantaged Maori families, but tribalism and the failed ideology of Cultural Marxism...

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Climate Commission's Radical Plan

According to the IPCC, once a country has an ETS in place, no other policy interventions are necessary: “if a cap and trade system has a sufficiently stringent cap to affect emission‐related decisions, then other policies have no further impact on reducing emissions”.

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The Abuse of Power  

Tens of thousands of New Zealanders who have signed petitions established under the law calling for their councils to hold a referendum on Maori seats will have their democratic rights trampled underfoot by her jack-booted totalitarianism.

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Protecting Vulnerable Children

New Zealand’s child abuse problem is largely due to the incentives in public policy that encourage children to be born into homes that do not provide them with the stability of two loving parents. Changing those incentives should be the Government’s top priority...