Category: imported_weekly

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A Covid Win

Labour has been given an historic mandate to govern alone. They have committed to rebuilding the economy through economic growth. How well they can achieve that goal will determine whether they deserve to govern in three years’ time. 

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Election 2020 - final thoughts

It was Labour’s handling of the pandemic that has played a central role in creating the country’s worst economic outlook in nearly a century.

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A Contest of Ideas 

Labour and the Greens are proposing higher taxes because they believe they know best how to spend your money. National and ACT want families to keep more of what they earn so they can use it to build a better future for themselves and the country.

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Spotlight on Covid-19 Response

This result is a bombshell. Essentially it means the huge sacrifices New Zealanders made during the lockdown had little impact on the virus because it was imposed after our infections had peaked - Labour’s response was too late!

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A Cultural Takeover

A cultural takeover is well underway in New Zealand. Modern-day Marxism is marching through our institutions, academia, and the media. It is largely funded by taxpayers. If it is not stopped, it will divide our nation and threaten democracy itself.

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Taxing Choices

Over recent years, the political leadership needed to keep the country on the path to prosperity has been lacking. Instead of doing what’s right, leaders have become obsessed with doing what’s popular.

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Living With Covid-19

To date our politicians have not explained how they think New Zealand can “live” with Covid-19. Most seem to think a vaccine will ‘save’ us, but with few experts suggesting that is realistic, we await their policy releases with interest!

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Tipping Points

What James Shaw didn’t spell out is that the Green School, which has just received $11.7m in taxpayer funding, is an elite private school that charges annual tuition fees of $24,000 for New Zealand students and $43,000 for international students.

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Political Agenda Endangers Lives

The ‘by Maori, for Maori, with Maori’ separatist “solution” that’s being proposed is sinister. It not only fails to address the real cause of the child abuse crisis, but it also fails to even acknowledge it. The real problem is not the government agency - nor institutional racism or colonisation - but family members threatening the safety of their children.

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Important Developments

It appears that the Prime Minister was planning to push ahead with a September election, until Winston Peters threatened to bring down the Government unless the election was delayed. It was this threat that forced the Prime Minister to put fairness above political self-interest.