Category: imported_weekly

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A Covid Farce

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is now looking foolish after thousands of people took to the streets in protest on Monday, thumbing their nose at her lockdown rules, while the Police watched on doing nothing.

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Democracy Under Threat

Progressing the Treaty ‘partnership’ agenda has been a key priority of Labour. As a result, the rights of those who identify as Maori are being elevated above those of all other New Zealanders, undermining the concept of equal rights upon which our democracy is based.

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Modern Socialism

Jacinda Ardern is transforming New Zealand into a socialist state. And the tragedy is that most people are completely unaware that it is happening.

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The Politics of Fear

The antidote to fear is knowledge. With so many New Zealanders still under the spell of the Government’s dreadful fearmongering over the virus, it’s extremely important that we all continue to shine a light on what is really going on.

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New Zealand at a Crossroads

New Zealand is at a crossroads. This is the moment that will define the next generation. Will our future embrace freedom and liberty, or are we staring down the barrel of increasing Sate control. Will we go down the path towards socialism or free enterprise. 

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Another Captain’s Call

Instead of questioning the accuracy of the computer models, the Prime Minister appears to have been spooked into making another of her disastrous 'Captain’s Calls' - to lock down the country and ‘eliminate’ the virus.

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New Zealand's Democratic Vacuum

The PM has taken New Zealand down the path to State control so far and so quickly, that there’s now a very real risk that the architecture of a socialist state will underpin the rebuild.

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The Lockdown Week 3

Instead of locking down the nation and trying to stamp out a virus that cannot effectively be contained, we should be quarantining and supporting those who are vulnerable to keep them safe, while enabling the rest of society to get back to normal. Within a month or so, it should be safe for those vulnerable groups to re-enter society, and to re-open our borders.

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The Lockdown Week 2 – Concerns

With all of the indecision, contradictions, and failure to follow the lead of countries that have controlled the virus without destroying their economies, one can’t help but feel our leaders are making this crisis deeper than was necessary.

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The Lockdown Week 1 – Questions...

German immunologist and toxicologist Professor Stefan Hockertz says, “Covid-19 is no more dangerous than influenza, but is simply observed much more closely. More dangerous than the virus is the fear and panic created by the media and the ‘authoritarian reaction’ of many governments.”