Category: imported_weekly

A new radicalised narrative now claims that Maori have been oppressed since colonial times and their over-representation in disadvantage is the fault of the descendants of the colonisers. Meng Foon, Labour’s new Race Relations Commissioner is promoting this propaganda.

If it is the Minister’s role to monitor his staff, what’s to stop the Ministry of Truth from becoming the Ministry of Lies and muzzling those who wish to take a contrary view to the Government’s position.

The National Party is about to make one of the biggest decision of its time in opposition - whether or not to support Jacinda Ardern’s radical Zero Carbon Bill during the third reading debate in Parliament tomorrow.

New Zealanders generally support the concept of a safety net for those in genuine need. Most believe that for the able bodied, assistance should be temporary. In other words, anyone who can work, should work.

With New Zealand’s contribution to global man-made greenhouse gas emissions a miniscule 0.17 percent, the Prime Minister’s obsession with looking good on the world stage, comes at a serious cost to the country.

The question for the new council is whether they will revoke the anti-democratic decision their predecessors made - with no public consultation - that unelected and unaccountable iwi would sit at the council table with the same voting rights as elected councillors. With the committee the Ngai Tahu representatives joined dealing with the allocation of freshwater, their conflict of interest is plain to see.

Through the unprecedented denigration of Captain Cook and other historical leaders as “white supremacists”, and the malicious vilification of the colonisation process, the scene is now being set for the next phase of this power grab: the indoctrination of children through fake history.

The Government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is shaping up to be one of the most controlling in New Zealand’s history. Like all socialist regimes that aim to impose the will of a few onto the many, they will eventually fail because most people by their very nature do not want to be controlled.

It is truly a sad commentary on the state of Western civilisation when the world stands still to hear the doomsday predictions of a child not yet old enough to be trusted to vote. It demonstrates that climate change is no longer about science but the destruction of free market economics and the rise of collective socialism.

Labour has failed miserably to address complaints of a sexual nature and appears to have placed the interests of the Party ahead of the wellbeing of the complainants. The irony is that the Party’s conduct is in complete contrast to the veneer of compassion projected by the Prime Minister.