Category: imported_weekly

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Questions of Credibility

Speculative technology is no substitute for an established and lucrative industry that is being destroyed by government policy. Like the oil industry, the justification for their attack on farmers is the Prime Minister's fixation with being seen as a global leader in climate change.

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The Tragedy of Suicide

As if the problem of suicide in New Zealand is not bad enough, the Government is now considering legalising cannabis even though cannabis use doubles the risk of psychosis and schizophrenia, thereby significantly increasing the risk of suicide.

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Nature Rules

Climate Change Minister James Shaw has now admitted that proper research did not underpin the harsh emissions targets in the Zero Carbon Bill. He says he simply plucked the 47 percent reduction in methane out of a UN report and is now prepared to change it.

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Setting New Zealand Up to Fail

The chill winds of the economic slowdown that Winston Peters predicted when he announced the new Government are here. His Government is putting New Zealand onto the path to failure.

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Race-based Power and Influence

This whole crusade against Oranga Tamariki is a well-orchestrated campaign of gross misinformation that’s being driven by Maori leaders to try to shift public opinion to view the State as the villains in Maori child abuse statistics. Their aim is to force the Government to pass control of child protection to them.

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A Tiger by the Tail

Alarmism over climate change, has now reached dangerous proportions. People are literally afraid for their lives. Many do not realise that they are victims of a hyped-up political propaganda campaign.

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Private Property Rights Under Threat

A land protest near Auckland airport has serious implications for private property rights in New Zealand - if it is not handled properly by the Government.

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A Sacrificial Lamb

The Prime Minister’s plan is to put so much pressure on farmers that she will drive them out of business – just as occurred in the coal industry, and oil and gas. So exactly how is she doing this? Here are five ways.

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The Best Interests of the Child

Even though the evidence is overwhelming that child abuse most often occurs in single parent families on welfare, tragically, the State still continues to pay vulnerable young women with little education and few prospects, to have and raise children on their own. And the more children they have, the more money they receive.

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Privatising New Zealand’s Coastline – Beach by Beach

When National introduced their Marine and Coastal Area Act in 2011, they reassured the public and Parliament that there would only be a few claims for remote areas of the coast. But with the whole coastline under claim - many times over - the law is clearly not doing what Parliament intended. It should be replaced.