Category: imported_weekly

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A Costly Mistake

The words of a former PM must have been ringing in the halls of Parliament last week when the Prime Minister announced that a capital gains tax would not be introduced during her watch. It was David Lange who said, “a capital gains tax policy is one likely to lose you not merely the next election, but the next three”.

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Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

UNDRIP is a a powerful weapon for Maori supremacy - a lever to set in motion an agenda which would see the tribal elite assuming higher authority over domestic matters than other New Zealanders.

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The Consequences of  a Tragedy

The Government’s response to concerns about the wisdom of rushing through gun law changes is dismissive, demonstrating the dictatorial underbelly of Jacinda Ardern’s Government and the sinister ‘we know best’ attitude that pervades all socialist regimes.

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A Totalitarian State

The leadership of a nation operates on many levels. While the PM has been focussed on the suffering of the victims, in her desire to reassure New Zealanders that they are safe - and to look strong and decisive on the world stage - she has unleashed measures that have the capacity to turn our wonderful country into a totalitarian state.

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The Politicisation of a Tragedy

What is disturbing, however, is how the matter is now being politicised. The emotions of those in shock and grieving are being exploited by political opportunists and radicals. Through State censorship and hasty law changes, Jacinda Ardern’s Government is trying to disempower New Zealanders and keep us in the dark. 

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United We Stand

We have all been sickened by the attacks that claimed the lives of 50 innocent men, women and children. We condemn violence and extremism in all of its forms and as a country we stand with the bereaved during this incredibly difficult time

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The Partnership Deception

The whole spectrum of special Maori rights - including co-governance rights - is a massive deception built on the false premise of ‘partnership’ touted as law. It is constitutionally impossible for a 'partnership' to exist between the sovereign and the governed.

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The Politics of a Capital Gains Tax

Right now the Government will be assessing the damage caused by the Tax Working Group’s proposed capital gains tax. By all accounts, the Prime Minister has been well and truly spooked by the vehemence of the public outcry against the proposal.

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Jacinda’s Vindictive Capital Gains Tax

Jacinda Ardern’s Tax Working Group released its final report last week. It recommends a highly punitive capital gains tax, which it claims would make New Zealand’s tax system ‘fairer’ by forcing the ‘rich’ to pay more tax.

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Economic Inequality

There is no evidence the that “the rich are getting richer”, that the highest income earners are increasing their income share. Similarly, there is no evidence that “the poor are getting poorer”. The extremes are not diverging.